118+ Chinese Cat Names

Looking for the purr-fect Chinese cat name? Explore our extensive list of Chinese Cat Names !

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Clarence Kate

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What name perfectly captures your cat’s personality and your love for Chinese culture? Naming your new kitten or cat is an exciting opportunity to choose a meaningful moniker that reflects their unique spirit.

This comprehensive guide to Chinese cat names provides inspiration from ancient dynasties, folk stories, foods, beautiful places, and other cultural touchpoints. Whether you want a label that honors your heritage or your cat’s disposition, this list of Chinese cat names spans history and modern traditions to find the ideal fit for your furry friend.

Best Chinese Cat Names

  • Ling – for a graceful and delicate cat
  • Guang – for a playful and energetic cat
  • Mei – for a beautiful and elegant cat
  • Bao – for a precious and adorable cat
  • Chen – for a wise and intelligent cat
  • Xiao – for a small and cute cat
  • Jing – for a calm and serene cat
  • Wei – for a courageous and strong cat
  • Xin – for a loyal and loving cat
  • Hua – for a flower-like and graceful cat
  • Zheng – for a disciplined and well-behaved cat
  • Li – for a powerful and majestic cat
  • Rong – for a harmonious and balanced cat
  • Ying – for a clever and agile cat
  • Qian – for a modest and humble cat
  • Ming – for a bright and intelligent cat
  • Shu – for a bookish and curious cat
  • Su – for a gentle and caring cat
  • Xiang – for a fragrant and sweet cat
  • Jun – for a noble and dignified cat
  • Yuan – for a peaceful and content cat
  • Wei – for a valiant and brave cat
  • Rui – for a sharp and quick-witted cat
  • Yu – for a fish-loving and playful cat
  • Yan – for a graceful and charming cat
  • Tian – for a heavenly and celestial cat
  • Qing – for a clear and pure cat
  • Zhong – for a loyal and devoted cat
  • Jia – for a family-oriented and affectionate cat
  • Yun – for a lucky and fortunate cat
  • Hong – for a vibrant and lively cat

Funny Chinese Cat Names

  • Pangzi (Fatty) – best for a chubby cat
  • Baobao (Treasure) – best for a mischievous cat
  • Dumpling – best for a round-shaped cat
  • Wonton – best for a cat who loves to curl up
  • Tofu – best for a cat with a soft and gentle demeanor
  • Noodle – best for a long and slender cat
  • Pocky – best for a cat who loves treats
  • Bubble – best for a playful and bouncy cat
  • Panda – best for a black and white cat
  • Sprinkles – best for a cat with colorful markings
  • Mochi – best for a sweet and squishy cat
  • Sushi – best for a cat who enjoys fish
  • Marshmallow – best for a white and fluffy cat
  • Waffle – best for a cat with a patterned coat
  • Peanut – best for a small and nutty cat
  • Pickle – best for a cat with a quirky personality
  • Pumpkin – best for an orange or pumpkin-colored cat
  • Bamboo – best for a tall and slender cat
  • Bean – best for a small and energetic cat
  • Cupcake – best for a sweet and adorable cat
  • Fluffernutter – best for a cat with fluffy fur
  • Pudding – best for a cat who loves to relax
  • Peaches – best for a cat with a peachy-colored coat
  • Snickerdoodle – best for a cat with a playful and mischievous nature
  • Sprout – best for a small and growing cat
  • Butterscotch – best for a cat with a caramel-colored coat
  • Pretzel – best for a cat who loves to twist and turn
  • Cosmo – best for a cat who loves to explore the cosmos
  • Crumpet – best for a cat with a fluffy and crumbly coat
  • Marshmallow – best for a cat who loves to melt hearts

Cool Chinese Cat Names

  • Zhao – meaning “to shine” – best for a cat with a glossy coat
  • Long – meaning “dragon” – best for a majestic and powerful cat
  • Xuan – meaning “mysterious” – best for a cat with an enigmatic personality
  • Huang – meaning “yellow” – best for a cat with a golden or yellow coat
  • Dai – meaning “greatness” – best for a cat with a regal presence
  • Xi – meaning “joy” – best for a cat who brings happiness to their owner
  • Zi – meaning “purple” – best for a cat with a purple or violet-colored coat
  • Liu – meaning “flowing” – best for a cat with graceful and fluid movements
  • Shan – meaning “mountain” – best for a cat who loves to climb and explore
  • Rui – meaning “sharp” – best for a cat with piercing eyes or sharp claws
  • Jin – meaning “gold” – best for a cat with a golden or shimmering coat
  • Qiang – meaning “strong” – best for a cat who is physically powerful
  • Feng – meaning “wind” – best for a cat who is swift and graceful
  • Yue – meaning “moon” – best for a cat with a mysterious and nocturnal nature
  • Shui – meaning “water” – best for a cat who loves to play with water
  • Xing – meaning “star” – best for a cat who shines brightly in their owner’s life
  • Chen – meaning “morning” – best for a cat who is most active in the morning
  • Wei – meaning “rose” – best for a cat with a rosy or pinkish coat
  • Tai – meaning “great” – best for a cat with a big and impressive personality
  • Ying – meaning “hero” – best for a cat who is brave and courageous
  • Li – meaning “strength” – best for a cat who is physically strong
  • Min – meaning “quick” – best for a cat who is agile and quick on their feet
  • Ya – meaning “elegant” – best for a cat with a refined and sophisticated demeanor
  • Jie – meaning “clean” – best for a cat who is always groomed and neat
  • Wei – meaning “position” – best for a cat who loves to claim their territory
  • Zhang – meaning “long-lasting” – best for a cat with a strong and enduring presence
  • Yuan – meaning “round” – best for a cat with a round and chubby appearance
  • Hui – meaning “bright” – best for a cat with a vibrant and radiant personality
  • Cheng – meaning “accomplished” – best for a cat who excels in everything they do
  • Quan – meaning “complete” – best for a cat who brings completeness to their owner’s life

Unique Chinese Cat Names

  • Shen – meaning “spirit” – best for a cat with a mysterious and otherworldly aura
  • Zhi – meaning “intelligent” – best for a cat who is exceptionally smart and clever
  • Zhen – meaning “precious” – best for a cat who is cherished and adored
  • Wu – meaning “warrior” – best for a cat with a fierce and brave personality
  • Yue – meaning “music” – best for a cat who loves to listen to music
  • Bo – meaning “wave” – best for a cat who is always in motion
  • Lian – meaning “lotus” – best for a cat who is gentle and serene
  • Xiu – meaning “elegant” – best for a cat with refined and graceful movements
  • Yi – meaning “art” – best for a cat who appreciates beauty and aesthetics
  • Zhu – meaning “pearl” – best for a cat who is precious and valuable
  • Qiao – meaning “skilled” – best for a cat who is exceptionally talented
  • Rui – meaning “sharp” – best for a cat with keen senses and sharp instincts
  • Shuang – meaning “frost” – best for a cat with a cool and calm demeanor
  • Xuan – meaning “dark” – best for a cat with a mysterious and enigmatic presence
  • Yue – meaning “moon” – best for a cat who is calm and tranquil like the moon
  • Cai – meaning “colorful” – best for a cat with a vibrant and colorful coat
  • Xin – meaning “heart” – best for a cat who is deeply loved and cherished
  • Fei – meaning “flying” – best for a cat who loves to jump and climb
  • Jing – meaning “crystal” – best for a cat with clear and sparkling eyes
  • Qing – meaning “clear” – best for a cat with a pure and transparent nature
  • Mei – meaning “beautiful” – best for a cat with a stunning and captivating appearance
  • Shi – meaning “poetry” – best for a cat who inspires creativity and poetic thoughts
  • Ying – meaning “shadow” – best for a cat who is mysterious and elusive
  • Zuo – meaning “left” – best for a cat who is left-pawed or has a preference for their left side
  • Kai – meaning “open” – best for a cat who is always curious and exploring
  • Zhen – meaning “true” – best for a cat who is genuine and authentic
  • Lu – meaning “road” – best for a cat who loves to roam and explore new places
  • Xia – meaning “summer” – best for a cat who is playful and full of energy
  • Jie – meaning “harmony” – best for a cat who brings peace and harmony to their surroundings
  • Wei – meaning “valuable” – best for a cat who is treasured and highly esteemed

Cute Chinese Cat Names

  • Mei (美) – Beautiful
  • Tian (甜) – Sweet
  • Xiao Long (小龙) – Little Dragon
  • Li Hua (丽华) – Beautiful Flower
  • Bo (波) – Wave
  • Mi Mi (咪咪) – Meow Meow
  • Bao Bao (宝宝) – Precious
  • Ying Yue (英悦) – Graceful Joy
  • Yu Xin (玉心) – Jade Heart
  • Hong Yi (红艺) – Red Art
  • Mei Ling (美玲) – Beautiful Bell
  • Zheng (正) – Upright
  • Ping (平) – Peaceful
  • Xiao Mei (小美) – Little Beauty
  • Chen (晨) – Morning
  • Jia Li (佳丽) – Good and Beautiful
  • Wei (薇) – Rose
  • Qiao (巧) – Clever
  • Dong Mei (冬梅) – Winter Plum
  • Yuan (媛) – Elegant
  • Yue (悦) – Joy
  • Huan (欢) – Happy
  • Shan (珊) – Coral
  • Jing (静) – Quiet
  • Rong (蓉) – Lotus
  • Hua (花) – Flower
  • Lan (兰) – Orchid
  • Xi (喜) – Joyful
  • Feng (风) – Wind
  • Lei (雷) – Thunder
  • Yan (艳) – Beautiful

Male Chinese Cat Names

  • Long (龙) – Dragon
  • Wei (伟) – Great
  • Jian (健) – Healthy
  • Xing (星) – Star
  • Chen (晨) – Morning
  • Shuai (帅) – Handsome
  • Guo (国) – Country
  • Jun (军) – Army
  • Wei (威) – Powerful
  • Bao (宝) – Treasure
  • Yuan (源) – Origin
  • Zheng (正) – Upright
  • Qiang (强) – Strong
  • Xiao (晓) – Dawn
  • Shen (神) – Spirit
  • Chang (昌) – Prosperous
  • Lin (林) – Forest
  • Ming (明) – Bright
  • Yong (勇) – Brave
  • Bo (波) – Wave
  • Feng (丰) – Abundance
  • Wei (伟) – Mighty
  • Quan (全) – Whole
  • Kai (凯) – Triumph
  • Hao (豪) – Heroic
  • Jin (金) – Gold
  • Chong (冲) – Brave
  • You (友) – Friend
  • Zhong (忠) – Loyal
  • Li (力) – Strength

Female Chinese Cat Names

  • Xiao Mei (小美) – Little Beauty
  • Ling (玲) – Delicate
  • Ying (颖) – Clever
  • Ru (茹) – Gentle
  • Mei (梅) – Plum
  • Fang (芳) – Fragrant
  • Hua (华) – Elegant
  • Yan (燕) – Swallow
  • Jing (晶) – Crystal
  • Yu (玉) – Jade
  • Li (丽) – Beautiful
  • Qing (晴) – Clear
  • Ming (明) – Bright
  • Mei Ling (美玲) – Beautiful Bell
  • Xiao Yan (小燕) – Little Swallow
  • Hui (慧) – Intelligent
  • Xiu (秀) – Elegant
  • Yue (月) – Moon
  • Xiao Hua (小花) – Little Flower
  • Yun (云) – Cloud
  • Xin (心) – Heart
  • Ying Yue (英悦) – Graceful Joy
  • Qiao (巧) – Clever
  • Tian (甜) – Sweet
  • Xiao Mei (小梅) – Little Plum
  • Xi (喜) – Joyful
  • Yi (怡) – Happy
  • Li Hua (丽华) – Beautiful Flower
  • Jia Li (佳丽) – Good and Beautiful
  • Yuan (媛) – Elegant

How to Choose Chinese Cat Names?

  • Consider the appearance of your cat: Choose a name that reflects your cat’s physical characteristics. For example, if your cat has striking blue eyes, you could name them “Lan” (meaning Orchid) or “Qing” (meaning Clear).
  • Draw inspiration from Chinese culture: Look for names that have cultural significance in China. For instance, “Long” (meaning Dragon) is a powerful and mythical creature in Chinese folklore.
  • Use names with positive meanings: Select names that have positive connotations. “Huan” (meaning Happy) or “Yong” (meaning Brave) are great options that reflect desirable traits.
  • Think about your cat’s personality: Consider your cat’s behavior and personality traits when choosing a name. If your cat is playful and mischievous, a name like “Bo” (meaning Wave) would be fitting.
  • Consider the sound of the name: Chinese names often have melodic and poetic qualities. Choose a name that sounds beautiful and rolls off the tongue easily, such as “Mei Ling” (meaning Beautiful Bell).
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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