150+ Doctor Who Cat Names

Looking for Doctor Who cat names? Here’s a list of perfect Doctor Who inspired cat names.

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Clarence Kate

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Looking for the Perfect Doctor Who Cat Name?

Calling all Whovians and cat lovers! If you’re a fan of the beloved Doctor Who series and want to give your feline friend a name that captures the magic of the show, you’ve come to the right place.

We understand the irresistible urge to find a memorable name that reflects your love for the Doctor and everything Time Lord-related.

Best Doctor Who Cat Names

  • TARDIS – Perfect for a cat who loves to explore and is always on the move
  • Whisker – A playful name for a mischievous cat
  • Regeneration – Ideal for a cat who has overcome challenges or has a strong spirit
  • Sonic – For a cat who is always curious and investigates everything
  • Clara – Named after the Doctor’s companion, suitable for a loyal and brave cat
  • Gallifrey – A powerful name for a cat who is regal and mysterious
  • Dalek – Perfect for a feisty and determined cat
  • River – Inspired by River Song, a name for a cat who is full of surprises
  • Time Lord – For a cat who seems wise beyond their years
  • Pond – Named after Amy Pond, a playful and adventurous cat
  • K-9 – Ideal for a loyal and protective cat
  • Bowtie – A quirky and stylish name for a cat with a unique personality
  • Sarah Jane – Named after the Doctor’s friend, a name for a loving and caring cat
  • Oswin – Inspired by Oswin Oswald, a cat who is clever and resourceful
  • Fez – Perfect for a cat who always stands out from the crowd
  • Geronimo – For a cat who loves to jump and play
  • Rose – Named after the Doctor’s companion, suitable for a gentle and kind-hearted cat
  • Cyberman – A strong and determined name for a fierce cat
  • Ace – Inspired by Ace McShane, a cat who is full of energy and loves to have fun
  • Silence – Ideal for a cat who moves silently and mysteriously
  • Donna – Named after the Doctor’s friend, a name for a cat with a big personality
  • Jelly Baby – A sweet and lovable name for a cat who is always looking for treats
  • Martha – Inspired by Martha Jones, a name for a brave and intelligent cat
  • Adric – Ideal for a curious and intelligent cat
  • Missy – Named after the Doctor’s nemesis, suitable for a mischievous and cunning cat
  • Stormageddon – Perfect for a cat who thinks they rule the world
  • Handles – Inspired by the Doctor’s robotic companion, a name for a cat who is always there to lend a hand
  • Jack – Ideal for a cat with a charming and charismatic personality
  • Davros – Named after the Doctor’s archenemy, suitable for a cat who likes to be in charge
  • Cassandra – Inspired by the last human, a name for a cat who loves to be pampered
  • Alpha Centauri – Perfect for a cat who is out of this world

Funny Doctor Who Cat Names

  • Purrlock Holmes – For a cat who loves to solve mysteries
  • Catrick Troughton – A clever play on the name Patrick Troughton, the actor who played the Second Doctor
  • Catrina – A punny name for a cat who loves Mexican food
  • Meowster – A silly and playful name for a cat who thinks they’re the boss
  • Whiskerus Hagrid – Inspired by Rubeus Hagrid from Harry Potter, suitable for a cat with big paws
  • Doctor Mew – A humorous take on the Doctor’s name
  • Romana – A punny name for a cat who loves to roam and explore
  • Catrick Stewart – A funny combination of Patrick Stewart and a cat’s name
  • Furiosa – Inspired by the character Furiosa from Mad Max, suitable for a fierce and independent cat
  • Mewlanie – A playful name for a cat who loves to make a racket
  • Catrick Swayze – A clever play on the name Patrick Swayze
  • Sonic Whiskers – For a cat who is always getting into things with their whiskers
  • Catniss Everdeen – Inspired by the character Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games, suitable for a skilled hunter
  • Mewbacca – A funny combination of Chewbacca and a cat’s name
  • Catrick Dempsey – A play on the name Patrick Dempsey
  • Sir Hiss – For a cat who slithers around like a snake
  • Purrfect – A funny name for a cat who thinks they’re perfect
  • Catradora – Inspired by the characters Catra and Adora from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, suitable for a dynamic duo of cats
  • Mr. Whiskersmith – A sophisticated and fancy name for a cat with long whiskers
  • Catrick Jane – A clever play on the name Patrick Jane from The Mentalist
  • Meowrlock – Inspired by Sherlock Holmes, suitable for a cat who loves to solve mysteries
  • Stardust – For a cat who is always dreaming and looking up at the stars
  • Catrick Henry – A play on the name Patrick Henry
  • Galifurian – A punny name for a cat from the planet Gallifrey
  • Catrick Swayze – A clever play on the name Patrick Swayze
  • Sir Scratchalot – For a cat with a talent for scratching everything in sight
  • Catrick Stewart – A funny combination of Patrick Stewart and a cat’s name
  • Romewna – A punny name for a cat who loves to roam and explore
  • Catrick Dempsey – A play on the name Patrick Dempsey
  • Sir Hiss – For a cat who slithers around like a snake

Cool Doctor Who Cat Names

  • Luna – Named after Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, suitable for a mysterious and ethereal cat
  • Rogue – For a cat who is a bit of a rebel and likes to do things their own way
  • Nebula – Inspired by the character Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy, suitable for a cat with a complex personality
  • Kovarian – A strong and powerful name for a cat who commands attention
  • Riddle – For a cat who is full of enigma and mystery
  • Saffron – Named after the character Saffron from Firefly, suitable for a cat with a fiery personality
  • Blade – A cool and edgy name for a cat who is sharp and quick
  • Oswald – Inspired by Oswald Cobblepot from Batman, suitable for a cat who is cunning and clever
  • Storm – For a cat with a fierce and powerful presence
  • Phoenix – Named after the mythical bird, suitable for a cat who always rises from the ashes
  • Ace – Inspired by the character Ace from Doctor Who, a cool name for a cat who is adventurous and fearless
  • Rogue – For a cat who has a mischievous and independent nature
  • Nyx – A cool and mysterious name for a cat who loves the night
  • Raven – Inspired by the bird, suitable for a cat with dark and beautiful fur
  • Blaze – For a cat who has a fiery and energetic personality
  • Viper – A cool and dangerous name for a cat who is always ready to strike
  • Shade – For a cat who loves to hide and blend into the shadows
  • Jinx – A cool and playful name for a cat who always seems to bring good luck
  • Rebel – For a cat who marches to the beat of their own drum
  • Siren – A cool and enchanting name for a cat with a mesmerizing presence
  • Nebula – Inspired by the character Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy, suitable for a cat with a complex personality
  • Kovarian – A strong and powerful name for a cat who commands attention
  • Riddle – For a cat who is full of enigma and mystery
  • Gambit – Named after the X-Men character, suitable for a cat who is always up to something
  • Storm – For a cat with a fierce and powerful presence
  • Rogue – For a cat who has a mischievous and independent nature
  • Nyx – A cool and mysterious name for a cat who loves the night
  • Raven – Inspired by the bird, suitable for a cat with dark and beautiful fur
  • Blaze – For a cat who has a fiery and energetic personality

Unique Doctor Who Cat Names

  • Pandora – For a cat who is full of surprises
  • Astro – Perfect for a cat who loves to stargaze
  • Merlin – Named after the legendary wizard, suitable for a cat with magical qualities
  • Pixel – A unique and modern name for a cat with a digital personality
  • Phoenix – Named after the mythical bird, suitable for a cat who always rises from the ashes
  • Karma – For a cat who believes in the power of fate
  • Aurora – Inspired by the Northern Lights, suitable for a cat with a beautiful and colorful coat
  • Serenity – A peaceful and calm name for a cat who brings tranquility
  • Cosmo – For a cat who is out of this world
  • Roxy – A unique and spunky name for a cat who loves to rock and roll
  • Ziggy – Inspired by David Bowie’s alter ego, suitable for a cat with a unique and eccentric personality
  • Stella – A beautiful and celestial name for a cat who shines bright
  • Nova – For a cat who is explosive and full of energy
  • Loki – Named after the Norse god of mischief, suitable for a cat who loves to play tricks
  • Nala – A unique and elegant name for a cat who is graceful and regal
  • Quasar – For a cat who is constantly moving and has a boundless energy
  • Kismet – A name that means fate or destiny, perfect for a cat who brings joy and happiness
  • Eclipse – Inspired by the natural phenomenon, suitable for a cat with a mysterious and captivating aura
  • Cosmo – For a cat who is out of this world
  • Roxy – A unique and spunky name for a cat who loves to rock and roll
  • Ziggy – Inspired by David Bowie’s alter ego, suitable for a cat with a unique and eccentric personality
  • Stella – A beautiful and celestial name for a cat who shines bright
  • Nova – For a cat who is explosive and full of energy
  • Luna – Named after the moon, suitable for a cat with a mysterious and enchanting presence
  • Pixel – A unique and modern name for a cat with a digital personality
  • Aurora – Inspired by the Northern Lights, suitable for a cat with a beautiful and colorful coat
  • Serenity – A peaceful and calm name for a cat who brings tranquility
  • Hermes – Named after the Greek god, suitable for a cat who is quick and agile
  • Karma – For a cat who believes in the power of fate
  • Ruby – A unique and precious name for a cat with a fiery personality

Cute Doctor Who Cat Names

  • TARDIS – Meaning: The Doctor’s time-traveling spacecraft
  • Purr-dis – Meaning: A playful twist on the TARDIS name
  • Whisker – Meaning: Inspired by the Doctor’s iconic sonic screwdriver
  • Luna – Meaning: After Luna Lovegood, a character from Doctor Who
  • Paws Malone – Meaning: A nod to the Doctor’s detective alias, P.I. Malone
  • Rose – Meaning: Inspired by the Doctor’s companion, Rose Tyler
  • Meowster – Meaning: A playful take on the Doctor’s title
  • Adipose – Meaning: After the cute, chubby aliens in Doctor Who
  • Purrmina – Meaning: A feline spin on the Doctor’s regeneration ability
  • Sonic – Meaning: Inspired by the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver
  • Missy – Meaning: After the Doctor’s arch-nemesis, Missy
  • Whiskersmith – Meaning: A combination of “whiskers” and “smith,” referencing the Doctor’s last name
  • Nyssa – Meaning: After the Doctor’s companion, Nyssa of Traken
  • Clawdia – Meaning: A cat version of the Doctor’s nemesis, the Daleks
  • Mittens – Meaning: A playful and cute name for a cat
  • Amelia – Meaning: Inspired by the Doctor’s companion, Amelia Pond
  • Meowgan – Meaning: A feline take on the name “Megan,” similar to the character Megan Jones
  • Doctor Mew – Meaning: A playful combination of “doctor” and “meow”
  • Jellybaby – Meaning: After the Doctor’s favorite candy treat
  • Purr-o – Meaning: A playful combination of “purr” and the Doctor’s catchphrase, “Geronimo”
  • Martha – Meaning: Inspired by the Doctor’s companion, Martha Jones
  • Whiskerina – Meaning: A combination of “whiskers” and “ballerina,” referencing the Doctor’s grace
  • Donna – Meaning: After the Doctor’s companion, Donna Noble
  • River – Meaning: Inspired by the enigmatic character, River Song
  • Purrlock – Meaning: A feline version of the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes
  • Captain Jack – Meaning: After the charming character, Captain Jack Harkness
  • Sylvester – Meaning: In honor of Sylvester McCoy, the seventh actor to portray the Doctor
  • Rory – Meaning: Inspired by the Doctor’s companion, Rory Williams
  • Meowsteron – Meaning: A combination of “meow” and “time lord,” referencing the Doctor’s species
  • K-9 – Meaning: After the Doctor’s robotic dog companion

Male Doctor Who Cat Names

  • Doctor Mew
  • Purrlock
  • Adipose
  • Whisker
  • Rory
  • Donna
  • Jellybaby
  • Mittens
  • Whiskersmith
  • Captain Jack
  • Purr-o
  • Meowster
  • Sylvester
  • Paws Malone
  • K-9
  • Meowsteron
  • Purrdis
  • Sonic
  • Martha
  • Purrmina
  • River
  • Clawdia
  • Luna
  • Whiskerina
  • Purrlock
  • Nyssa
  • Missy
  • Sylvester
  • Amelia
  • Whisker

Female Doctor Who Cat Names

  • Rose
  • Luna
  • Meowgan
  • Whiskersmith
  • Adipose
  • Purrmina
  • Doctor Mew
  • Jellybaby
  • Martha
  • Purrdis
  • River
  • Clawdia
  • Amelia
  • Nyssa
  • Paws Malone
  • Donna
  • Whiskerina
  • Missy
  • Sylvester
  • Purrlock
  • Sonic
  • Rory
  • Purr-o
  • Meowster
  • Rose
  • Luna
  • Meowgan
  • Whiskersmith
  • Adipose
  • Purrmina
  • Doctor Mew

How to Choose Doctor Who Cat Names?

  1. Consider your favorite Doctor Who characters or elements and see if any names resonate with you. For example, if you love the Doctor’s time-traveling spacecraft, TARDIS, you could name your cat TARDIS.
  2. Think about the personality traits of your cat and match them with a Doctor Who character. If your cat is adventurous and curious, you could name them Clara after the Doctor’s companion Clara Oswald.
  3. Take inspiration from the Doctor’s iconic catchphrases or phrases associated with the series. For instance, you could name your cat Geronimo, after the Doctor’s famous catchphrase.
  4. Consider the physical appearance of your cat. If your cat has a unique coat pattern or color that reminds you of a Doctor Who character, you could name them accordingly. For example, if your cat has black fur, you could name them Midnight after the Doctor Who episode.
  5. Pay homage to the actors who have portrayed the Doctor throughout the series by naming your cat after them. For instance, you could name your cat David, after David Tennant who played the Tenth Doctor.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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