Historical Cat Names

Looking for a unique and meaningful name for your new cat? If you’re a bookworm, look no further than this list of Historical cat names!

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Clarence Kate

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Looking for a purr-fectly unique and meaningful name for your feline friend? Dive into the fascinating world of historical cat names! Whether you’re drawn to the allure of ancient civilizations, the heroics of legendary figures, or the wisdom of past scholars, historical cat names provide a touch of elegance and character to your beloved pet.

From names inspired by powerful pharaohs to those influenced by renowned artists and philosophers, this guide will help you find the ideal name that embodies the qualities you admire.

Unleash your creativity and embark on a journey through time with these captivating historical cat names!

Best Historical Cat Names

  • Apollo – for a majestic and powerful cat
  • Cleopatra – for a regal and enchanting female cat
  • Leonardo – for a clever and artistic cat
  • Athena – for a wise and intelligent female cat
  • Genghis – for a fearless and bold male cat
  • Hera – for a strong and independent female cat
  • Caesar – for a charismatic and influential male cat
  • Isabella – for a graceful and elegant female cat
  • Napoleon – for a small but confident male cat
  • Catherine – for a sophisticated and graceful female cat
  • Archimedes – for a curious and inquisitive male cat
  • Victoria – for a noble and dignified female cat
  • Socrates – for a wise and philosophical male cat
  • Anastasia – for a mysterious and captivating female cat
  • Cosmo – for an adventurous and cosmic male cat
  • Eleanor – for a strong and resilient female cat
  • Raphael – for an artistic and creative male cat
  • Matilda – for an intelligent and regal female cat
  • Merlin – for a magical and mystical male cat
  • Beatrice – for a playful and mischievous female cat
  • Julius – for a powerful and influential male cat
  • Josephine – for an elegant and charming female cat
  • Plato – for a wise and thoughtful male cat
  • Antoinette – for a sophisticated and stylish female cat
  • Augustus – for a majestic and noble male cat
  • Isolde – for a graceful and enchanting female cat
  • Cicero – for an eloquent and intelligent male cat
  • Aphrodite – for a beautiful and alluring female cat
  • Pericles – for a charismatic and influential male cat
  • Louisa – for a strong and independent female cat
  • Archibald – for a dignified and distinguished male cat

Funny Historical Cat Names

  • Catniss – for a cat with excellent hunting skills
  • Sir Pounce-a-lot – for a cat who loves to pounce on everything
  • Purrlock Holmes – for a detective-like cat who solves mysteries
  • Meow-gellan – for a cat who loves to explore new territories
  • Catrick Swayze – for a smooth and charming cat
  • Cat Benatar – for a feisty and rebellious female cat
  • Fuzz Aldrin – for a cat with dreams of exploring outer space
  • Cat Middleton – for a regal and fashionable female cat
  • Purrfecto – for a cat who always looks flawless
  • Kitty Gaga – for a cat who loves to make a bold statement
  • Catrick Stewart – for a wise and distinguished cat
  • Catniss Everclean – for a cat who is always meticulously groomed
  • Fleas Witherspoon – for a cat who loves to chase bugs
  • Chairman Meow – for a cat who likes to be in charge
  • Sir Whiskers-a-Lot – for a cat with an abundance of whiskers
  • Cat Winslet – for a cat with a dramatic and expressive personality
  • Meowly Cyrus – for a cat who loves to sing and dance
  • Catrick Swayze – for a cat with smooth moves and a suave demeanor
  • Sir Scratch-a-lot – for a cat who loves to scratch furniture
  • Baron von Whiskers – for a cat who acts like a noble aristocrat
  • Catniss Meowerdeen – for a cat with exceptional agility and hunting skills
  • Fuzz Lightyear – for a cat who thinks they can fly
  • Catrick Dempsey – for a cat with a charming and handsome demeanor
  • Meowrio Andretti – for a cat who loves to race around the house
  • Cat Benetar – for a melodramatic and passionate female cat
  • Chairman Meow Mao – for a cat with revolutionary tendencies
  • Sir Fluffykins – for a cat with an extra fluffy and luxurious coat
  • Catrick Swayze – for a cat who loves to dance and show off their moves
  • Meowly Cyrus – for a cat with a wild and rebellious personality
  • Cat Winslet – for a cat who always knows how to steal the spotlight
  • Meowrio Andretti – for a cat who is always full of energy and loves to play

Cool Historical Cat Names

  • Zeus – for a powerful and dominant male cat
  • Luna – for a mysterious and enchanting female cat
  • Mercury – for a quick and agile male cat
  • Nyx – for a dark and alluring female cat
  • Achilles – for a strong and brave male cat
  • Isis – for a graceful and majestic female cat
  • Thor – for a mighty and fearless male cat
  • Athena – for a wise and strategic female cat
  • Odin – for a wise and powerful male cat
  • Hecate – for a mysterious and magical female cat
  • Atlas – for a strong and resilient male cat
  • Freya – for a beautiful and independent female cat
  • Horus – for a majestic and regal male cat
  • Artemis – for a skilled and agile female cat
  • Loki – for a mischievous and cunning male cat
  • Persephone – for a dark and captivating female cat
  • Mars – for a bold and adventurous male cat
  • Calypso – for a mysterious and enchanting female cat
  • Zeppelin – for a cat who loves to explore and roam
  • Phoenix – for a cat who rises from the ashes and overcomes challenges
  • Hermes – for a quick and agile male cat
  • Medusa – for a cat with a gaze that can turn others to stone
  • Zeke – for a cool and laid-back male cat
  • Selene – for a graceful and elegant female cat
  • Draco – for a fierce and powerful male cat
  • Pandora – for a cat who is curious and always getting into mischief
  • Zeppelin – for a cat who loves to explore new heights and climb
  • Odyssey – for a cat who embarks on epic adventures
  • Freya – for a cat who is beautiful and independent
  • Hades – for a mysterious and brooding male cat
  • Artemis – for a cat who is skilled and agile

Unique Historical Cat Names

  • Galileo – for a curious and intelligent male cat
  • Empress – for a regal and commanding female cat
  • Rembrandt – for an artistic and creative male cat
  • Isambard – for a cat who loves to build and explore
  • Primrose – for a delicate and beautiful female cat
  • Nikola – for a cat who is full of energy and innovation
  • Sappho – for a poetic and romantic female cat
  • Amadeus – for a musical and melodious male cat
  • Aurelia – for a cat with a golden and radiant personality
  • Archimedes – for a cat who loves to learn and solve puzzles
  • Aurelius – for a wise and philosophical male cat
  • Beatrix – for a cat who is full of joy and playfulness
  • Caspian – for a cat who loves to explore and discover new places
  • Opal – for a cat with a mysterious and captivating presence
  • Leonidas – for a brave and fearless male cat
  • Octavia – for a strong and independent female cat
  • Napoleon – for a small but confident male cat
  • Calliope – for a cat with a melodious and enchanting voice
  • Beauregard – for a cat with a charming and debonair personality
  • Galadriel – for a cat with a graceful and ethereal presence
  • Phineas – for a cat who is full of curiosity and mischief
  • Persephone – for a cat with a dark and mysterious allure
  • Maximus – for a strong and powerful male cat
  • Cordelia – for a cat with a gentle and loving nature
  • Amelia – for a cat who is always up for adventure
  • Beowulf – for a cat who is brave and fearless
  • Guinevere – for a cat who is elegant and enchanting
  • Remus – for a loyal and protective male cat
  • Isolde – for a cat with a romantic and dreamy personality
  • Lysander – for a cat who is charming and charismatic
  • Ophelia – for a cat with a gentle and delicate nature

Cute Historical Cat Names

  • Amelia – means “industrious” (after Amelia Earhart, the pioneering aviator)
  • Cleopatra – means “glory of the father” (after the famous Egyptian queen)
  • Leonardo – means “brave lion” (after Leonardo da Vinci, the renowned artist and inventor)
  • Grace – means “elegance and beauty” (after Grace Kelly, the beloved actress and princess)
  • Winston – means “joy stone” (after Sir Winston Churchill, the influential British statesman)
  • Marie – means “bitter” (after Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist)
  • Frida – means “peaceful ruler” (after Frida Kahlo, the iconic Mexican artist)
  • Apollo – means “manly beauty” (after the Greek god of music and poetry)
  • Amadeus – means “love of God” (after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the prodigious composer)
  • Hermione – means “messenger” (after Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series)
  • Rembrandt – means “counsel of the raven” (after Rembrandt van Rijn, the famous Dutch painter)
  • Aphrodite – means “born from the foam” (after the Greek goddess of love and beauty)
  • Archimedes – means “master planner” (after Archimedes, the ancient Greek mathematician)
  • Eleanor – means “bright, shining one” (after Eleanor Roosevelt, the influential American First Lady)
  • Beethoven – means “bright stone” (after Ludwig van Beethoven, the renowned composer)
  • Athena – means “goddess of wisdom” (after the Greek goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare)
  • Houdini – means “fame” (after Harry Houdini, the legendary magician and escape artist)
  • Isabella – means “devoted to God” (after Queen Isabella I of Castile, a powerful historical figure)
  • Napoleon – means “lion of the new city” (after Napoleon Bonaparte, the French military leader)
  • Rosa – means “rose” (after Rosa Parks, the civil rights activist)
  • Galileo – means “he who is from Galilee” (after Galileo Galilei, the influential Italian astronomer)
  • Victoria – means “victory” (after Queen Victoria, one of the longest-reigning British monarchs)
  • Shakespeare – means “spear” and “play” (after William Shakespeare, the famous playwright)
  • Aurora – means “dawn” (after the Roman goddess of dawn)
  • Gandhi – means “perfume seller” (after Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of Indian independence movement)
  • Raphael – means “God has healed” (after Raphael, the celebrated Italian painter and architect)
  • Harriet – means “ruler of the home” (after Harriet Tubman, the abolitionist and political activist)
  • Hemingway – means “home ruler” (after Ernest Hemingway, the influential American writer)
  • Joan – means “God is gracious” (after Joan of Arc, the French heroine and saint)
  • Picasso – means “small” (after Pablo Picasso, the celebrated Spanish painter and sculptor)
  • Merlin – means “sea fortress” (after Merlin, the legendary wizard from Arthurian legends)

Male Historical Cat Names

  • Alexander – means “defender of men”
  • Caesar – means “long-haired”
  • Charlemagne – means “Charles the Great”
  • Columbus – means “dove”
  • Da Vinci – means “from Vinci”
  • Einstein – means “stone worker”
  • Freud – means “joy”
  • Genghis – means “an ocean”
  • Herodotus – means “gift of Hera”
  • Homer – means “security”
  • Mercury – means “God of trade and profit”
  • Newton – means “new town”
  • Plato – means “broad-shouldered”
  • Socrates – means “whole power”
  • Tesla – means “from the plateau”
  • Tutankhamun – means “living image of Amun”
  • Archimedes – means “master planner”
  • Bach – means “brook”
  • Byron – means “barn for cows”
  • Copernicus – means “from Copernicus”
  • Dante – means “enduring”
  • Euclid – means “good glory”
  • Fleming – means “home of the Fleming people”
  • Gutenberg – means “good mountain”
  • Hawking – means “hawk”
  • Hubble – means “small hill”
  • Mozart – means “from the swamps”
  • Voltaire – means “village”
  • Wright – means “worker”
  • Zeus – means “shine”

Female Historical Cat Names

  • Anne – means “grace”
  • Charlotte – means “free man”
  • Elizabeth – means “God is my oath”
  • Jane – means “God is gracious”
  • Louisa – means “renowned warrior”
  • Margaret – means “pearl”
  • Victoria – means “victory”
  • Ada – means “noble”
  • Agnes – means “pure”
  • Amelia – means “industrious”
  • Clara – means “clear, bright”
  • Eleanor – means “bright, shining one”
  • Emmeline – means “peaceful home”
  • Josephine – means “God will add”
  • Mary – means “sea of bitterness”
  • Ophelia – means “help”
  • Penelope – means “weaver”
  • Rosalind – means “gentle horse”
  • Sophia – means “wisdom”
  • Victoria – means “victory”
  • Beatrice – means “bringer of joy”
  • Catherine – means “pure”
  • Diana – means “divine”
  • Florence – means “flourishing”
  • Isabella – means “devoted to God”
  • Juliet – means “youthful”
  • Lillian – means “lily”
  • Matilda – means “mighty in battle”
  • Rosalie – means “rose”
  • Victoria – means “victory”
  • Wilhelmina – means “resolute protector”

How to Choose Historical Cat Names?

  1. Consider the time period: Choose a name that aligns with the historical era you find fascinating. For example, if you’re interested in Ancient Egypt, you could consider names like Cleopatra or Ramses.
  2. Think about famous figures: Look into historical figures that inspire you and see if their names would make great cat names. For instance, if you admire Leonardo da Vinci, you could name your cat Leonardo or Leo.
  3. Consider the meaning: Some historical names have beautiful meanings that can reflect your cat’s personality or traits. For example, the name Victoria means “victory,” which could be fitting for a strong and resilient cat.
  4. Personal connection: If you have a personal connection to a specific historical event or figure, consider choosing a name that holds meaning for you. It could be a way to commemorate and honor that connection.
  5. Unique and memorable: Historical cat names can be a great way to give your cat a unique and memorable name that stands out. Consider names that are less common but still have a historical significance.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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