145+ Literary Cat Names

Looking for a unique and meaningful name for your new cat? If you’re a bookworm, look no further than this list of Literary cat names!

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Clarence Kate

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Are you searching for the perfect name for your new feline friend? Look no further! Introducing our collection of Literary Cat Names, inspired by the captivating world of literature.

Whether you’re a bookworm or just appreciate the beauty of words, these names will add a touch of literary charm to your beloved pet. From classics to contemporary favorites, we’ve compiled a selection of names that are sure to delight both you and your whiskered companion.

Discover names that embody grace, strength, and wisdom, or simply choose one that’s fun and memorable. Explore our literary-inspired cat names now and find the ideal moniker for your furry friend!

Best Literary Cat Names

  • Atticus – For a wise and noble cat
  • Scarlett – For a fierce and independent cat
  • Gatsby – For a charming and mysterious cat
  • Hermione – For an intelligent and curious cat
  • Frodo – For a brave and adventurous cat
  • Matilda – For a clever and imaginative cat
  • Pip – For a small and adventurous cat
  • Oliver – For a mischievous and playful cat
  • Luna – For a mystical and enchanting cat
  • Charlotte – For a wise and nurturing cat
  • Hamlet – For a dramatic and introspective cat
  • Phoebe – For a free-spirited and independent cat
  • Belle – For a graceful and elegant cat
  • Romeo – For a charming and romantic cat
  • Nymeria – For a fierce and loyal cat
  • Scout – For a curious and adventurous cat
  • Pippin – For a playful and mischievous cat
  • Eowyn – For a brave and fearless cat
  • Clarissa – For an intelligent and sophisticated cat
  • Holden – For a brooding and introspective cat
  • Arya – For a fierce and independent cat
  • Lyra – For an imaginative and adventurous cat
  • Ophelia – For a delicate and poetic cat
  • Sebastian – For a sophisticated and debonair cat
  • Viola – For a graceful and artistic cat
  • Augustus – For a dignified and noble cat
  • Winnie – For a wise and gentle cat
  • Darcy – For a charming and suave cat
  • Alice – For a curious and whimsical cat
  • Phantom – For a mysterious and elusive cat

Funny Literary Cat Names

  • Purrlock Holmes – For a clever and observant cat
  • William Shakespurr – For a dramatic and poetic cat
  • Mark Twain – For a witty and adventurous cat
  • Edgar Allan Paw – For a mysterious and introspective cat
  • Virginia Hairball – For an imaginative and whimsical cat
  • Catniss Everclean – For a brave and resourceful cat
  • Jane Pawsten – For an independent and passionate cat
  • Fitzcatgerald – For a sophisticated and debonair cat
  • Ernest Hemingway – For a adventurous and spirited cat
  • Emily Whiskers-on – For a poetic and introspective cat
  • Charles Whiskers – For a wise and philosophical cat
  • Dr. Meow – For a mischievous and curious cat
  • Hunter S. Purrson – For an eccentric and free-spirited cat
  • Salman Pawsdi – For an intellectual and thought-provoking cat
  • T.S. Eliot – For a sophisticated and artistic cat
  • Meowgaret Atwood – For a feminist and insightful cat
  • Walt Whiskers – For a creative and imaginative cat
  • Tomcat Hanks – For a charming and talented cat
  • J.K. Meownling – For a magical and imaginative cat
  • Pablo Purr-casso – For a creative and artistic cat
  • Moby Whisker – For a majestic and mysterious cat
  • Charles Catkins – For a philosophical and introspective cat
  • Frida Catlo – For a bold and expressive cat
  • Dorothy Whiskers – For a curious and adventurous cat
  • Edgar Allan Paw – For a brooding and mysterious cat
  • Ernest Meowmingway – For a adventurous and worldly cat
  • Ralph Waldo Whiskers – For a wise and contemplative cat
  • Mark Twain – For a witty and clever cat
  • Shakespeare – For a dramatic and poetic cat
  • George Whiskers – For a curious and intelligent cat

Cool Literary Cat Names

  • Loki – For a mischievous and cunning cat
  • Zelda – For a strong and independent cat
  • Nimbus – For a mysterious and elusive cat
  • Apollo – For a majestic and regal cat
  • Electra – For a powerful and fierce cat
  • Nyx – For a mysterious and alluring cat
  • Sylvester – For a sleek and sophisticated cat
  • Phoenix – For a fiery and resilient cat
  • Stella – For a radiant and beautiful cat
  • Caspian – For a adventurous and fearless cat
  • Leia – For a strong and determined cat
  • Maverick – For a independent and rebellious cat
  • Nala – For a graceful and elegant cat
  • Rogue – For a bold and daring cat
  • Thor – For a powerful and mighty cat
  • Zara – For a cool and confident cat
  • Felix – For a playful and mischievous cat
  • Athena – For a wise and courageous cat
  • Raven – For a mysterious and intelligent cat
  • Nova – For a bright and shining cat
  • Zeus – For a strong and dominant cat
  • Venus – For a beautiful and alluring cat
  • Jett – For a sleek and fast cat
  • Juno – For a powerful and regal cat
  • Rex – For a strong and noble cat
  • Luna – For a cool and mysterious cat
  • Sabrina – For a enchanting and magical cat
  • Blaze – For a fiery and adventurous cat
  • Indigo – For a cool and mysterious cat
  • Shadow – For a sleek and stealthy cat

Unique Literary Cat Names

  • Calliope – A unique name inspired by Greek mythology
  • Octavia – A strong and independent name for a female cat
  • Circe – A mysterious and enchanting name for a female cat
  • Zephyr – A cool and breezy name for a male cat
  • Thistle – A unique and prickly name for a female cat
  • Asher – A modern and stylish name for a male cat
  • Sylvan – A nature-inspired name for a male cat
  • Isolde – A romantic and tragic name for a female cat
  • Zara – A cool and exotic name for a female cat
  • Peregrine – A unique and adventurous name for a male cat
  • Aurelia – A golden and radiant name for a female cat
  • Caspian – A regal and majestic name for a male cat
  • Lyric – A musical and poetic name for a female cat
  • Orion – A celestial and powerful name for a male cat
  • Nova – A bright and shining name for a female cat
  • Bodhi – A spiritual and enlightened name for a male cat
  • Indira – A unique and exotic name for a female cat
  • Soren – A wise and philosophical name for a male cat
  • Persephone – A mythical and mysterious name for a female cat
  • Archer – A skilled and precise name for a male cat
  • Cleopatra – A powerful and seductive name for a female cat
  • Phoenix – A fiery and resilient name for a male cat
  • Elara – A celestial and enchanting name for a female cat
  • Lennox – A strong and bold name for a male cat
  • Tempest – A stormy and dramatic name for a female cat
  • Atticus – A wise and noble name for a male cat
  • Sapphira – A gemstone-inspired name for a female cat
  • Orlando – A literary and adventurous name for a male cat
  • Calypso – A captivating and mysterious name for a female cat
  • Atlas – A strong and muscular name for a male cat
  • Tabitha – A cute and playful name for a female cat

Cute Literary Cat Names:

  • Oliver (from Oliver Twist)
  • Luna (from Harry Potter)
  • Gatsby (from The Great Gatsby)
  • Scout (from To Kill a Mockingbird)
  • Hermione (from Harry Potter)
  • Atticus (from To Kill a Mockingbird)
  • Matilda (from Matilda)
  • Belle (from Beauty and the Beast)
  • Pippin (from The Lord of the Rings)
  • Aragorn (from The Lord of the Rings)
  • Hamlet (from Hamlet)
  • Romeo (from Romeo and Juliet)
  • Ginny (from Harry Potter)
  • Eowyn (from The Lord of the Rings)
  • Lyra (from His Dark Materials)
  • Daenerys (from A Song of Ice and Fire)
  • Bilbo (from The Hobbit)
  • Winnie (from Winnie-the-Pooh)
  • Alice (from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)
  • Quixote (from Don Quixote)
  • Nymeria (from A Song of Ice and Fire)
  • Fitzgerald (from The Great Gatsby)
  • Charlotte (from Charlotte’s Web)
  • Sherlock (from Sherlock Holmes)
  • Juliet (from Romeo and Juliet)
  • Aslan (from The Chronicles of Narnia)
  • Scrooge (from A Christmas Carol)
  • Mowgli (from The Jungle Book)
  • Odysseus (from The Odyssey)
  • Cosette (from Les Misérables)

Male Literary Cat Names:

  • Darcy (from Pride and Prejudice)
  • Holden (from The Catcher in the Rye)
  • Orwell (from George Orwell)
  • Frodo (from The Lord of the Rings)
  • Poe (from Edgar Allan Poe)
  • Heathcliff (from Wuthering Heights)
  • Huckleberry (from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)
  • Beckett (from Samuel Beckett)
  • Jay (from The Great Gatsby)
  • Salinger (from J.D. Salinger)
  • Holden (from The Catcher in the Rye)
  • Wilde (from Oscar Wilde)
  • Twain (from Mark Twain)
  • Fitzgerald (from F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  • Hemingway (from Ernest Hemingway)
  • Whitman (from Walt Whitman)
  • Thoreau (from Henry David Thoreau)
  • Tolkien (from J.R.R. Tolkien)
  • Steinbeck (from John Steinbeck)
  • Shakespeare (from William Shakespeare)
  • Conrad (from Joseph Conrad)
  • Doyle (from Arthur Conan Doyle)
  • Swift (from Jonathan Swift)
  • Voltaire (from Voltaire)
  • Dickens (from Charles Dickens)
  • Carroll (from Lewis Carroll)
  • Verne (from Jules Verne)
  • Dumas (from Alexandre Dumas)
  • Wells (from H.G. Wells)
  • Melville (from Herman Melville)

Female Literary Cat Names:

  • Stella (from A Streetcar Named Desire)
  • Eleanor (from Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine)
  • Josephine (from Little Women)
  • Astrid (from White Oleander)
  • Estella (from Great Expectations)
  • Scarlett (from Gone with the Wind)
  • Lisbeth (from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
  • Clarissa (from Mrs. Dalloway)
  • Elizabeth (from Pride and Prejudice)
  • Viola (from Twelfth Night)
  • Emma (from Emma)
  • Isabella (from Wuthering Heights)
  • Lucy (from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)
  • Rosalind (from As You Like It)
  • Ophelia (from Hamlet)
  • Juliet (from Romeo and Juliet)
  • Portia (from The Merchant of Venice)
  • Cordelia (from King Lear)
  • Bianca (from Othello)
  • Desdemona (from Othello)
  • Gwendolen (from The Importance of Being Earnest)
  • Beatrice (from Much Ado About Nothing)
  • Rosaline (from Romeo and Juliet)
  • Helena (from A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
  • Imogen (from Cymbeline)
  • Viola (from Twelfth Night)
  • Isabella (from Measure for Measure)
  • Cleopatra (from Antony and Cleopatra)
  • Perdita (from The Winter’s Tale)
  • Titania (from A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

How to Choose Literary Cat Names?

  1. Consider your cat’s appearance or characteristics: Choose a name that reflects the physical attributes or personality traits of your cat. For example, if your cat has beautiful blue eyes, you could name her Luna after Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.
  2. Think about your favorite books or authors: If you have a favorite book or author, you could choose a name inspired by them. For instance, if you love Jane Austen, you could name your cat Elizabeth after the protagonist of Pride and Prejudice.
  3. Research the meanings behind names: Look up the meanings of different names to find one that resonates with you or represents qualities you admire. For example, the name Atticus, inspired by the character in To Kill a Mockingbird, means “man of Attica” and signifies wisdom and fairness.
  4. Consider the sound and pronunciation: Make sure the name you choose is easy to pronounce and sounds pleasing to your ears. Avoid names that are too long or difficult to say. For instance, the name Aramis, inspired by The Three Musketeers, has a strong and elegant sound.
  5. Get creative and have fun: Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and come up with unique and playful names. For example, you could name your cat Pippin after the mischievous hobbit from The Lord of the Rings.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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