163+ Persian Cat Names

Looking for the ideal name for your Persian cat? Find the perfect name that reflects your Persian cat’s unique personality and origins.

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Clarence Kate

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Are you the proud owner of a beautiful Persian cat? Looking for the perfect name that truly captures their regal and elegant nature? You’ve come to the right place! We have curated an extensive list of Persian cat names that will reflect your feline’s heritage and unique characteristics. Whether you’re seeking a name that is sophisticated, playful, or inspired by Persian culture, we have options to suit every taste. Let’s explore our diverse collection of Persian cat names and find the ideal one for your new furry friend!

Best Persian Cat Names

  • Simba – for a regal and majestic Persian cat
  • Luna – for a Persian cat with a calm and mysterious demeanor
  • Oliver – for a playful and mischievous Persian cat
  • Bella – for a beautiful and elegant Persian cat
  • Max – for a strong and confident Persian cat
  • Sophie – for a graceful and sophisticated Persian cat
  • Leo – for a brave and courageous Persian cat
  • Lucy – for a friendly and sociable Persian cat
  • Charlie – for an adorable and lovable Persian cat
  • Chloe – for a charming and charismatic Persian cat
  • Oscar – for a Persian cat with a big personality
  • Lily – for a delicate and graceful Persian cat
  • Milo – for a playful and energetic Persian cat
  • Sophia – for a Persian cat with a regal and elegant presence
  • Toby – for a loyal and affectionate Persian cat
  • Coco – for a stylish and fashionable Persian cat
  • Gizmo – for a curious and adventurous Persian cat
  • Princess – for a Persian cat with a royal and dignified nature
  • Rocky – for a strong and resilient Persian cat
  • Bella – for a beautiful and elegant Persian cat
  • Jasper – for a Persian cat with a bold and confident personality
  • Grace – for a gentle and graceful Persian cat
  • Max – for a Persian cat with a strong and dominant presence
  • Lola – for a playful and lively Persian cat
  • Leo – for a Persian cat with a majestic and regal appearance
  • Sophie – for a Persian cat with a refined and sophisticated nature
  • Charlie – for a friendly and sociable Persian cat
  • Lucy – for a Persian cat with a sweet and affectionate personality
  • Oscar – for a mischievous and playful Persian cat
  • Lily – for a delicate and elegant Persian cat
  • Milo – for an energetic and lively Persian cat

Funny Persian Cat Names

  • Whisker Doodle – for a Persian cat with adorable and quirky whiskers
  • Fuzzy Wuzzy – for a Persian cat with a soft and fluffy coat
  • Sir Scratchalot – for a Persian cat with a penchant for scratching furniture
  • Meowzilla – for a Persian cat with a big and powerful meow
  • Catrick Swayze – for a Persian cat with smooth and graceful movements
  • Purrfecto – for a Persian cat with purrfection in everything it does
  • Sir Whiskers McFluffington – for a Persian cat with an extravagant and voluminous coat
  • Mewbacca – for a Persian cat with a Wookiee-like appearance
  • Queen Fluffernutter – for a Persian cat with a regal and pampered attitude
  • Sir Pounce-a-Lot – for a Persian cat with a playful and pouncy personality
  • Mr. Whiskers – for a Persian cat with long and luxurious whiskers
  • Pawdrey Hepburn – for a Persian cat with a glamorous and sophisticated presence
  • Catrick Stewart – for a Persian cat with a wise and dignified demeanor
  • Fluffy McFlufferson – for a Persian cat with an extra fluffy and cuddly coat
  • Captain Fuzzy Pants – for a Persian cat with a heroic and adventurous spirit
  • Sir Purrington – for a Persian cat with a refined and distinguished personality
  • Meowington – for a Persian cat with a melodious and expressive meow
  • Majestic Whiskerbottom – for a Persian cat with a regal and majestic appearance
  • Fuzzball McGee – for a Persian cat with an irresistibly fuzzy and adorable appearance
  • Sir Snugglepaws – for a Persian cat with a loving and affectionate nature
  • Whiskerina – for a Persian cat with beautifully shaped and elegant whiskers
  • Mr. Purrpants – for a Persian cat with a charming and playful personality
  • Sir Fluffington – for a Persian cat with a fluffy and huggable coat
  • Meowseph Stalin – for a Persian cat with a commanding and authoritative presence
  • Furball Fuzzington – for a Persian cat with an incredibly fluffy and fuzzy coat
  • Catrick Dempsey – for a Persian cat with a charming and dashing appearance
  • Sir Meowington – for a Persian cat with a sophisticated and refined nature
  • Fuzzy McSnugglebutt – for a Persian cat with a cuddly and affectionate personality
  • Purrfecto Furryoso – for a Persian cat with a perfectly groomed and styled fur
  • Whiskerini – for a Persian cat with long and elegant whiskers

Cool Persian Cat Names

  • Shadow – for a mysterious and enigmatic Persian cat
  • Neo – for a Persian cat with a futuristic and edgy demeanor
  • Raven – for a sleek and black Persian cat
  • Blaze – for a Persian cat with a fiery and energetic personality
  • Storm – for a Persian cat with a wild and untamed spirit
  • Ace – for a Persian cat that excels in everything it does
  • Harley – for a Persian cat with a rebellious and adventurous nature
  • Jett – for a cool and stylish Persian cat
  • Nova – for a Persian cat that shines brightly and stands out
  • Rogue – for a Persian cat with a mischievous and unpredictable personality
  • Phoenix – for a Persian cat that rises from the ashes and overcomes challenges
  • Diesel – for a Persian cat with a powerful and strong presence
  • Jinx – for a Persian cat that brings luck and mischief wherever it goes
  • Maverick – for a Persian cat that is independent and adventurous
  • Blitz – for a Persian cat that is lightning fast and agile
  • Steel – for a Persian cat that is strong and unyielding
  • Rebel – for a Persian cat that goes against the norm and marches to its own beat
  • Rogue – for a Persian cat with a rebellious and unpredictable personality
  • Jet – for a Persian cat that is sleek, fast, and cool
  • Arrow – for a Persian cat that is swift and precise
  • Bandit – for a Persian cat that is sly and cunning
  • Blitz – for a Persian cat that is quick and lightning-fast
  • Bolt – for a Persian cat that is full of energy and always on the move
  • Chase – for a Persian cat that loves to play and chase after toys
  • Duke – for a Persian cat that is noble and regal
  • Gunner – for a Persian cat that is strong and powerful
  • Ryder – for a Persian cat that loves to go on adventures
  • Smoky – for a Persian cat with a cool and mysterious personality
  • Talon – for a Persian cat with sharp instincts and impressive hunting skills
  • Viper – for a Persian cat that is sleek, dangerous, and always ready for action

Unique Persian Cat Names

  • Zephyr – meaning “gentle breeze”
  • Aria – meaning “melody”
  • Kismet – meaning “destiny”
  • Nova – meaning “new”
  • Caspian – after the Caspian Sea
  • Blaze – meaning “intense fire”
  • Zara – meaning “radiant”
  • Juno – after the Roman goddess
  • Phoenix – after the mythical bird
  • Sahara – after the desert
  • Rumi – after the Persian poet
  • Serenity – meaning “peaceful”
  • Orion – after the constellation
  • Lyra – after the constellation
  • Zara – meaning “princess”
  • Apollo – after the Greek god
  • Cairo – after the capital of Egypt
  • Mariposa – meaning “butterfly”
  • Onyx – after the black gemstone
  • Calypso – after the sea nymph in Greek mythology
  • Saffron – after the spice
  • Indira – meaning “beauty”
  • Azalea – after the flower
  • Persephone – after the Greek goddess of the underworld
  • Celeste – meaning “heavenly”
  • Zen – meaning “peace”
  • Nyx – after the Greek goddess of the night
  • Ziggy – meaning “victorious”
  • Axel – meaning “father of peace”
  • Artemis – after the Greek goddess of the hunt
  • Kairo – meaning “strong and powerful”

Cute Persian Cat Names

  • Simba – Lion
  • Princess – Regal and elegant
  • Whiskers – Referring to their prominent facial hair
  • Milo – Gracious and noble
  • Luna – Moon
  • Oliver – Peaceful and wealthy
  • Coco – Chocolate-colored coat
  • Pearl – Precious and rare
  • Leo – Lion-like bravery
  • Sophie – Wisdom and grace
  • Charlie – Strong and free
  • Misty – Mysterious and elusive
  • Gizmo – Small and clever
  • Bella – Beautiful
  • Oscar – Divine spear
  • Snowball – White and fluffy
  • Nala – Beloved
  • Max – Greatest
  • Lily – Pure and innocent
  • Rocky – Strong and resilient
  • Chloe – Blooming
  • Ginger – Fiery and spirited
  • Shadow – Mysterious and dark
  • Daisy – Delicate and cheerful
  • Romeo – Romantic and passionate
  • Sasha – Defender of mankind
  • Muffin – Sweet and comforting
  • Sammy – Listener and companion
  • Mia – Mine
  • Bentley – Elegant and luxurious

Male Persian Cat Names

  • Maximus – Greatest
  • Simba – Lion
  • Oscar – Divine spear
  • Leo – Lion-like bravery
  • Milo – Gracious and noble
  • Oliver – Peaceful and wealthy
  • Charlie – Strong and free
  • Gizmo – Small and clever
  • Oreo – Black and white like the cookie
  • Buddy – Friend and companion
  • Jasper – Treasurer and precious stone
  • Felix – Happy and fortunate
  • Sam – Listener and companion
  • Rocky – Strong and resilient
  • Bentley – Elegant and luxurious
  • Toby – God is good
  • George – Farmer and tiller of the soil
  • Zeus – King of the gods
  • Cooper – Barrel maker
  • Harley – Hare’s meadow
  • Casper – Treasurer and treasure bearer
  • Maxwell – Great stream
  • Lucky – Fortunate and lucky
  • Bailey – Fortification
  • Chase – Hunter and pursuer
  • Archie – Truly brave
  • Winston – Joyful stone
  • Finn – Fair and white
  • Maverick – Independent and nonconformist
  • Henry – Ruler of the household

Female Persian Cat Names

  • Princess – Regal and elegant
  • Luna – Moon
  • Coco – Chocolate-colored coat
  • Pearl – Precious and rare
  • Sophie – Wisdom and grace
  • Misty – Mysterious and elusive
  • Bella – Beautiful
  • Snowball – White and fluffy
  • Nala – Beloved
  • Lily – Pure and innocent
  • Chloe – Blooming
  • Ginger – Fiery and spirited
  • Shadow – Mysterious and dark
  • Daisy – Delicate and cheerful
  • Mia – Mine
  • Luna – Moon
  • Sasha – Defender of mankind
  • Muffin – Sweet and comforting
  • Cleo – Illustrious and famous
  • Stella – Star
  • Millie – Gentle strength
  • Hazel – Nut-bearing tree
  • Ivy – Faithfulness
  • Ruby – Precious gemstone
  • Sophie – Wisdom and grace
  • Olive – Peaceful and fruitful
  • Willow – Graceful and slender
  • Ava – Life
  • Poppy – Red flower
  • Roxy – Dawn

How to Choose Persian Cat Names?

  • Consider the cat’s appearance or personality traits:
    • If your Persian cat has a unique coat color or pattern, you can choose a name that reflects that, such as Coco for a chocolate-colored cat or Snowball for a white cat.
    • If your Persian cat is playful and energetic, you can choose a name like Gizmo or Muffin.
  • Draw inspiration from the Persian heritage:
    • Choose a name that has Persian origins, such as Nala, which means “beloved” in Persian.
    • Consider names inspired by Persian culture, history, or mythology, like Cyrus or Jasmine.
  • Think about your personal preferences:
    • Choose a name that you personally love and resonate with.
    • Consider names that hold special meaning to you, like naming your cat after a favorite character from a book, movie, or TV show.
  • Consider the sound and pronunciation of the name:
    • Ensure the name is easy to pronounce and won’t cause confusion for your cat or others.
    • Choose a name with a pleasant sound that you enjoy saying.
  • Take your time and observe your cat’s behavior and personality before deciding on a name:
    • Give yourself time to get to know your cat and their unique traits.
    • Observe their behavior, habits, and preferences to find a name that suits them perfectly.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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