117+ Buddhist Cat Names Inspired by the Tripitaka

Looking for a unique and meaningful name for your new cat? Look no further than this list of Buddhist cat names inspired by the Tripitaka !

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Clarence Kate

117 buddhist cat names inspired by the tripitaka 4055

Looking for the purr-fect name for your feline friend? If you’re a Buddhist or simply love everything about Buddhist culture, we’ve got you covered. Our collection of Buddhist cat names will whisk you away on a spiritual journey while helping you find a meaningful and culturally significant name for your beloved pet.

From ancient scriptures to sacred traditions, these names are the embodiment of peace, wisdom, and enlightenment. Discover the perfect name that not only reflects your love for cats but also embraces your spiritual or cultural identity. Start exploring our list of Buddhist cat names now!

Best Buddhist Cat Names

  • 1. Bodhi – For a wise and enlightened cat.
  • 2. Dharma – For a cat that brings harmony and balance.
  • 3. Zen – For a peaceful and meditative cat.
  • 4. Niranjan – For a cat with a pure and untainted soul.
  • 5. Samsara – For a cat that symbolizes the cycle of life and death.
  • 6. Kalyana – For a beautiful and virtuous cat.
  • 7. Ashoka – For a cat that brings peace and tranquility.
  • 8. Ananda – For a cat that brings joy and happiness.
  • 9. Maitri – For a cat that embodies loving-kindness.
  • 10. Karuna – For a cat that shows compassion and empathy.
  • 11. Shanti – For a cat that radiates peace and calmness.
  • 12. Nirvana – For a cat that represents the ultimate state of enlightenment.
  • 13. Tara – For a cat that is fierce and protective.
  • 14. Samadhi – For a cat that is deeply absorbed in meditation.
  • 15. Kismet – For a cat that has a predetermined destiny.
  • 16. Sangha – For a cat that is a part of a spiritual community.
  • 17. Anicca – For a cat that reminds us of the impermanence of life.
  • 18. Amara – For a cat that is immortal and eternal.
  • 19. Kama – For a cat that embodies desire and passion.
  • 20. Niranjana – For a cat that is free from attachments.
  • 21. Sutra – For a cat that is knowledgeable and wise.
  • 22. Metta – For a cat that radiates loving-kindness towards all beings.
  • 23. Sukha – For a cat that brings happiness and joy.
  • 24. Upasaka – For a cat that is a devout follower of Buddhism.
  • 25. Anumodana – For a cat that expresses gratitude and appreciation.
  • 26. Panna – For a cat that possesses wisdom and insight.
  • 27. Buddhi – For a cat that embodies intellect and understanding.
  • 28. Sattva – For a cat that has a pure and virtuous nature.
  • 29. Vajra – For a cat that is strong and unbreakable.
  • 30. Upasika – For a cat that is dedicated to the Buddhist path.

Funny Buddhist Cat Names

  • 1. Meow-ananda – For a cat that finds joy in everything.
  • 2. Dalai Lhama – For a cat that is a natural-born leader.
  • 3. Cattama Buddha – For a cat that is enlightened in the art of mischief.
  • 4. Bodhi-paw-sattva – For a cat that is on the path to enlightenment.
  • 5. Zen-master Whiskers – For a cat that is a guru of relaxation.
  • 6. Karma-chameleon – For a cat that constantly changes its mood.
  • 7. Meow-tation Master – For a cat that spends hours in deep meditation.
  • 8. Cat-asutra – For a cat that has mastered the art of stretching.
  • 9. Purr-malinka – For a cat that spreads loving-kindness wherever it goes.
  • 10. Mew-gan Fox – For a cat that is sly and cunning.
  • 11. Feline Lama – For a cat that is wise beyond its years.
  • 12. Meow-rakami – For a cat that is always hungry.
  • 13. Zen Kitty – For a cat that is always in a state of inner peace.
  • 14. Pawsitive Vibes – For a cat that radiates positivity.
  • 15. Meow-tivational Speaker – For a cat that inspires others.
  • 16. Dharma Meowster – For a cat that follows the path of righteousness.
  • 17. Meow-ta Baggage – For a cat that carries the weight of its past lives.
  • 18. Cattitude – For a cat that has a sassy and confident personality.
  • 19. Purrrfection – For a cat that is flawless in every way.
  • 20. Meow-sattva – For a cat that is compassionate and caring.
  • 21. Enlighten-mint – For a cat that always has fresh breath.
  • 22. Meow-gician – For a cat that can disappear and reappear in an instant.
  • 23. Purr-sonality Plus – For a cat that has a larger-than-life personality.
  • 24. Meow-tivator – For a cat that encourages others to reach their full potential.
  • 25. Bodhi-cious – For a cat that is cool, confident, and stylish.
  • 26. Pawsitively Zen – For a cat that is a master of relaxation.
  • 27. Meow-verflowing – For a cat that is always full of love and affection.
  • 28. Yogi Meowgi – For a cat that is a master of yoga poses.
  • 29. Meow-stery Cat – For a cat that always keeps you guessing.
  • 30. Purr-fectly Content – For a cat that is always happy and satisfied.

Cool Buddhist Cat Names

  • 1. Zephyr – For a cat that is gentle and light as a breeze.
  • 2. Phoenix – For a cat that rises from the ashes and embodies transformation.
  • 3. Luna – For a cat that has a mystical and ethereal presence.
  • 4. Orion – For a cat that is powerful and majestic like the constellation.
  • 5. Karma – For a cat that believes in cause and effect.
  • 6. Avalon – For a cat that has a magical and otherworldly aura.
  • 7. Jaya – For a cat that is victorious and triumphant.
  • 8. Seraph – For a cat that is angelic and divine.
  • 9. Shakti – For a cat that embodies feminine power and energy.
  • 10. Solstice – For a cat that represents the changing seasons and cycles of life.
  • 11. Nirakar – For a cat that is formless and beyond physical appearance.
  • 12. Echo – For a cat that has a strong and resonant voice.
  • 13. Rishi – For a cat that is wise and knowledgeable.
  • 14. Vega – For a cat that shines brightly and stands out from the crowd.
  • 15. Satori – For a cat that has experienced sudden enlightenment.
  • 16. Aria – For a cat that has a beautiful and melodious voice.
  • 17. Indra – For a cat that is powerful and commands respect.
  • 18. Nova – For a cat that is a star in its own right.
  • 19. Bodhisattva – For a cat that is dedicated to the well-being of all beings.
  • 20. Enigma – For a cat that is mysterious and enigmatic.
  • 21. Kismet – For a cat that has a fate or destiny that cannot be changed.
  • 22. Spirit – For a cat that has a strong connection to the spiritual realm.
  • 23. Thunder – For a cat that is powerful and commands attention.
  • 24. Vega – For a cat that shines brightly and stands out from the crowd.
  • 25. Zenith – For a cat that represents the highest point or peak.
  • 26. Titan – For a cat that is strong and formidable.
  • 27. Aura – For a cat that has a vibrant and radiant energy.
  • 28. Phoenix – For a cat that rises from the ashes and embodies transformation.
  • 29. Draco – For a cat that is fierce and fearless.
  • 30. Indigo – For a cat that has a deep and intense energy.

Unique Buddhist Cat Names

  • 1. Asha – For a cat that embodies hope and optimism.
  • 2. Bodhi – For a cat that brings enlightenment and awakening.
  • 3. Dharma – For a cat that follows the path of righteousness.
  • 4. Samadhi – For a cat that is deeply absorbed in meditation.
  • 5. Nirvana – For a cat that represents the ultimate state of bliss.
  • 6. Kaya – For a cat that is pure and free from impurities.
  • 7. Samsara – For a cat that symbolizes the cycle of life and rebirth.
  • 8. Jhana – For a cat that is focused and concentrated.
  • 9. Kamma – For a cat that understands the law of cause and effect.
  • 10. Sangha – For a cat that is a part of a spiritual community.
  • 11. Sutta – For a cat that is knowledgeable and wise.
  • 12. Panya – For a cat that possesses wisdom and insight.
  • 13. Anatta – For a cat that reminds us of the impermanence of self.
  • 14. Rupa – For a cat that has a beautiful and graceful form.
  • 15. Karuna – For a cat that shows compassion and empathy.
  • 16. Nibbana – For a cat that is liberated from suffering.
  • 17. Upasaka – For a cat that is a dedicated lay follower.
  • 18. Upasika – For a cat that is a dedicated lay follower.
  • 19. Upaya – For a cat that uses skillful means to help others.
  • 20. Anumodana – For a cat that expresses gratitude and appreciation.
  • 21. Kalyana – For a cat that is virtuous and good-natured.
  • 22. Paramita – For a cat that is on the path to perfection.
  • 23. Sila – For a cat that follows moral and ethical principles.
  • 24. Viriya – For a cat that is diligent and energetic.
  • 25. Upekkha – For a cat that has equanimity and balance.
  • 26. Adhitthana – For a cat that is determined and resolute.
  • 27. Satipatthana – For a cat that is mindful and aware.
  • 28. Tanha – For a cat that reminds us of the nature of craving.
  • 29. Sankhara – For a cat that represents the conditioned and constructed aspects of existence.
  • 30. Vipassana – For a cat that has insight and clear seeing.

Cute Buddhist Cat Names:

  • Bodhi (Awakening)
  • Karma (Action)
  • Nirvana (Enlightenment)
  • Dharma (Teachings of the Buddha)
  • Zen (Meditation)
  • Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva of Compassion)
  • Ananda (Bliss)
  • Samadhi (Meditative Absorption)
  • Prajna (Wisdom)
  • Siddhartha (Buddha’s Birth Name)
  • Sakura (Cherry Blossom)
  • Lotus (Symbol of Purity)
  • Bodhisattva (Enlightened Being)
  • Harmony (Peaceful Coexistence)
  • Kismet (Destiny)
  • Serenity (Calmness)
  • Joy (Happiness)
  • Blossom (Flourishing)
  • Amity (Friendship)
  • Samatha (Tranquility)
  • Banyan (Sacred Tree)
  • Namaste (Greeting of Respect)
  • Sutra (Buddhist Text)
  • Metta (Loving-Kindness)
  • Santosha (Contentment)
  • Prana (Life Energy)
  • Indra (King of Gods)
  • Buddho (Buddha)
  • Shanti (Peace)
  • Bhakti (Devotion)

Male Buddhist Cat Names:

  • Dharmapala (Protector of the Dharma)
  • Gautama (Buddha’s Surname)
  • Bhante (Reverend)
  • Kasapa (Disciple of Buddha)
  • Virya (Energy)
  • Paramita (Perfection)
  • Upeksha (Equanimity)
  • Upasaka (Lay Follower)
  • Sukha (Happiness)
  • Sangha (Buddhist Community)
  • Arya (Noble)
  • Mahayana (Greater Vehicle)
  • Arhat (Enlightened Being)
  • Atman (Soul)
  • Bhadra (Good)
  • Bodhidharma (Founder of Zen Buddhism)
  • Brahma (God in Buddhist Cosmology)
  • Buddhaghosa (Buddhist Scholar)
  • Chanda (Desire)
  • Dharmakaya (Body of Truth)
  • Dhyan (Meditation)
  • Dipa (Lamp)
  • Jivaka (Buddha’s Physician)
  • Karuna (Compassion)
  • Lila (Play)
  • Mara (Personification of Temptation)
  • Punna (Merit)
  • Shila (Ethical Conduct)
  • Sutra (Buddhist Text)
  • Vijaya (Victory)

Female Buddhist Cat Names:

  • Arahant (Enlightened Person)
  • Bhadra (Good, Auspicious)
  • Chanda (Desire)
  • Dharmadhatu (Essence of Truth)
  • Ila (Earth)
  • Jhana (Meditative Absorption)
  • Kamala (Lotus, Perfect)
  • Lhamo (Goddess)
  • Metta (Loving-Kindness)
  • Nirupama (Unparalleled)
  • Prajna (Wisdom)
  • Samadhi (Meditative Concentration)
  • Sati (Mindfulness)
  • Soma (Moon)
  • Sumana (Flower)
  • Triratna (Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma, Sangha)
  • Upasika (Female Lay Follower)
  • Vasudhara (Goddess of Abundance)
  • Vijayalakshmi (Goddess of Victory)
  • Yasodhara (Buddha’s Wife)
  • Ani (Nun)
  • Ayu (Life)
  • Bhavani (Goddess)
  • Bodhila (Awakened)
  • Candra (Moon)
  • Dana (Generosity)
  • Indira (Goddess)
  • Kamini (Desirable)
  • Meru (Mountain)

How to Choose Buddhist Cat Names?

  1. Consider the meaning: Choose names that reflect Buddhist principles, such as peace, compassion, or enlightenment. For example, names like Bodhi or Metta convey meaningful concepts.
  2. Draw inspiration from Buddhist figures: Select names based on revered Buddhist figures like Avalokiteshvara or Gautama, honoring their teachings and qualities.
  3. Look to Buddhist symbols: Explore names inspired by symbols like lotus, dharma wheel, or Bodhi tree, representing important aspects of Buddhist philosophy.
  4. Connect to nature: Buddhist philosophy often emphasizes interconnectedness with nature. Choose names like Sakura (cherry blossom) or Banyan (sacred tree) to reflect this connection.
  5. Consider your cat’s personality: Observe your cat’s behavior and traits and choose a name that aligns with their personality. For example, a calm and serene cat can be named Shanti (peace).
  6. Research Tripitaka: Delve into the Buddhist scripture Tripitaka to find unique and meaningful names that resonate with your cat and your Buddhist beliefs.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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