82+ Mesopotamian Mythology Cat Names

Looking for a meaningful name for your new cat? Here is a list of Mesopotamian Mythology cat names featuring gods, goddesses and mythical creatures

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Clarence Kate

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If you’re searching for the purr-fect name for your feline friend, why not turn to the rich and captivating world of Mesopotamian Mythology? Mesopotamian culture, which thrived thousands of years ago, gave rise to a pantheon of fascinating gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures, each with their own stories and qualities.

By choosing a Mesopotamian Mythology-inspired name for your cat, you can give them a name that is not only unique but also holds a deep and meaningful connection to ancient wisdom, strength, and beauty.

So, whether you’re seeking a name that exudes elegance or one that is playful and memorable, embark on this ancient journey and discover the perfect name for your beloved feline companion.

Best Mesopotamian Mythology Cat Names

  • Ishtar – Ideal for a beautiful and powerful female cat
  • Marduk – Perfect for a strong and courageous male cat
  • Anu – Suitable for a wise and regal male cat
  • Enki – Great for a clever and playful male cat
  • Inanna – Ideal for a graceful and elegant female cat
  • Nergal – Perfect for a fierce and bold male cat
  • Ereshkigal – Suitable for a mysterious and independent female cat
  • Enlil – Great for a majestic and wise male cat
  • Utu – Ideal for a cat who loves basking in the sun
  • Ninhursag – Perfect for a nurturing and protective female cat
  • Ninurta – Suitable for a brave and skilled male cat
  • Tiamat – Great for a cat with a strong and independent personality
  • Shamash – Ideal for a cat who brings light and warmth to your life
  • Nammu – Perfect for a calm and serene female cat
  • Nabu – Suitable for a curious and intelligent male cat
  • Antu – Great for a gentle and loving female cat
  • Enkidu – Ideal for a cat who is adventurous and free-spirited
  • Nanshe – Perfect for a cat with a nurturing and caring nature
  • Dumuzi – Suitable for a cat who is charming and charismatic
  • Geshtinanna – Great for a cat who is artistic and creative
  • Lahmu – Ideal for a cat who is protective and loyal
  • Mummu – Perfect for a cat who is mischievous and playful
  • Belit-ili – Suitable for a cat who is regal and dignified
  • Nisaba – Great for a cat who is wise and knowledgeable
  • Adad – Ideal for a cat who is strong and powerful
  • Apsu – Perfect for a cat who is calm and peaceful
  • Enkimdu – Suitable for a cat who is hardworking and diligent
  • Ninkasi – Great for a cat who loves food and treats
  • Enbilulu – Ideal for a cat who is curious and adventurous
  • Ningishzida – Perfect for a cat who is mysterious and secretive
  • En-me-du-ana – Suitable for a cat who is independent and self-reliant

Funny Mesopotamian Mythology Cat Names

  • Purrsephone – A playful and mischievous cat
  • Ra-mews-es – A cat who thinks they’re a divine ruler
  • Fur-bis – A cat who loves to gossip and spread rumors
  • Cat-amat – A cat who is always dramatic and over-the-top
  • Paw-napoleon – A cat who is small but has a big personality
  • Mew-ri – A cat who loves to sing and entertain
  • Fuzz-opolis – A cat who rules their territory with a furry paw
  • Paw-laddin – A cat who goes on magical adventures
  • Purr-zilla – A cat who can be a little bit of a diva
  • Cat-erina – A graceful and elegant dancing cat
  • Lord Whiskers – A sophisticated and regal cat
  • Cat-stro – A cat who always seems to cause chaos
  • Purrlock Holmes – A clever and observant detective cat
  • Meow-dusa – A cat with a wild and unruly mane of fur
  • Sir Pounce-a-lot – A cat who loves to pounce and play
  • Whisker-doodle – A cat who loves to doodle and create art
  • Furball – A fluffy and cuddly cat
  • Nibbles – A cat who loves to nibble on everything
  • Cat-apult – A cat who loves to launch themselves into the air
  • Meow-tilda – A cat who loves to cast spells and perform magic
  • Pawsome – A cat who is truly awesome in every way
  • Mr. Whiskerpants – A cat with a fancy and dapper demeanor
  • Cat-chini – A cat who loves to sunbathe and relax
  • Sir Snugglepaws – A cat who is always ready for a cuddle
  • Meow-zart – A cat who is a musical genius
  • Whisker-tini – A cat who loves to have a fancy drink
  • Cat-astrophy – A cat who always seems to get into trouble
  • Meow-gician – A cat who can perform amazing magic tricks
  • Fuzzy McFlufferton – A cat with an extra fluffy coat
  • Whisker-saurus – A cat who is as ancient and wise as a dinosaur

Cool Mesopotamian Mythology Cat Names

  • Apsû – A cool and calm cat who is always in control
  • Bel – A cat who is strong and powerful, like a warrior
  • Enheduanna – A cat with a poetic and artistic soul
  • Gula – A cat who is wise and knowledgeable
  • Humbaba – A cat who is mysterious and elusive
  • Ishkur – A cat who brings electricity and energy to your life
  • Isimud – A cat who is a loyal and devoted companion
  • Kishar – A cat who is adventurous and loves to explore
  • Kur – A cat who is strong and protective
  • Lugalbanda – A cat who is brave and courageous
  • Mummu – A cat who is mischievous and playful
  • Nanshe – A cat who is caring and nurturing
  • Nergal – A cat who is fierce and bold
  • Ninurta – A cat who is skilled and talented
  • Tiamat – A cat who is independent and strong-willed
  • Utu – A cat who loves to bask in the sun
  • Anu – A cat who is regal and wise
  • Enki – A cat who is clever and playful
  • Enlil – A cat who is majestic and powerful
  • Inanna – A cat who is graceful and elegant
  • Ishtar – A cat who is beautiful and alluring
  • Marduk – A cat who is strong and mighty
  • Nabu – A cat who is curious and intelligent
  • Ninmah – A cat who is nurturing and caring
  • Ninhursag – A cat who is protective and gentle
  • Pazuzu – A cat who is mysterious and intriguing
  • Shamash – A cat who brings light and warmth to your life
  • Utu – A cat who is radiant and bright
  • Zababa – A cat who is fierce and fearless
  • Ziusudra – A cat who is wise and experienced

Unique Mesopotamian Mythology Cat Names

  • Antu – A unique and gentle female cat
  • Anzu – A unique and majestic male cat
  • Enbilulu – A unique and curious male cat
  • Ereshkigal – A unique and mysterious female cat
  • Geshtinanna – A unique and artistic female cat
  • Inlil – A unique and wise male cat
  • Kingu – A unique and powerful male cat
  • Lahmu – A unique and loyal male cat
  • Mummu – A unique and mischievous male cat
  • Nammu – A unique and serene female cat
  • Ninkasi – A unique and indulgent female cat
  • Shara – A unique and protective male cat
  • Sharrum – A unique and brave male cat
  • Shum-udug – A unique and adventurous male cat
  • Siduri – A unique and wise female cat
  • Tiamtu – A unique and independent female cat
  • Tutu – A unique and playful male cat
  • Uttu – A unique and graceful female cat
  • Adapa – A unique and knowledgeable male cat
  • Akad – A unique and powerful male cat
  • Ama-ur – A unique and nurturing female cat
  • Amurru – A unique and strong male cat
  • Belit-ili – A unique and regal female cat
  • Enkidu – A unique and free-spirited male cat
  • Kishar – A unique and adventurous female cat
  • Meslamtaea – A unique and mysterious male cat
  • Nabu – A unique and intelligent male cat
  • Nammu – A unique and calm female cat
  • Ninazu – A unique and protective male cat
  • Ningishzida – A unique and secretive male cat
  • Uruk – A unique and powerful male cat

Cute Mesopotamian Mythology Cat Names

  • Anu – Means “heaven” in Sumerian
  • Ereshkigal – Goddess of the Underworld
  • Ishtar – Goddess of love and fertility
  • Nabu – God of wisdom and writing
  • Gilgamesh – Legendary hero of the Epic of Gilgamesh
  • Nammu – Goddess of the primeval sea
  • Ningal – Moon goddess
  • Enki – God of water and wisdom
  • Tammuz – God of vegetation and fertility
  • Ninhursag – Mother goddess
  • Utu – Sun god
  • Shamash – God of justice
  • Apsu – God of fresh water
  • Nidaba – Goddess of writing and learning
  • Nabu – God of wisdom and writing
  • Anshar – Sky god
  • Gula – Goddess of healing
  • Damkina – Mother goddess
  • Marduk – Chief god of Babylon
  • Astarte – Goddess of love and war
  • Ninkasi – Goddess of beer
  • Enlil – God of the air
  • Lilith – Demoness of the night
  • Enkimdu – God of farming and irrigation
  • Nanshe – Goddess of social justice
  • Enlil – God of the air
  • Adad – God of storms and rain
  • Ninurta – God of agriculture and hunting
  • Nanshe – Goddess of social justice
  • Nergal – God of the underworld
  • Ashur – Chief god of the Assyrians

Male Mesopotamian Mythology Cat Names

  • Ishkur – God of storms and rain
  • Bel – God of order and destiny
  • Nanna – Moon god
  • Enkidu – Companion of Gilgamesh
  • Nergal – God of the underworld
  • Anu – Sky god
  • Enki – God of water and wisdom
  • Utu – Sun god
  • Shamash – God of justice
  • Marduk – Chief god of Babylon
  • Adad – God of storms and rain
  • Ninurta – God of agriculture and hunting
  • Ashur – Chief god of the Assyrians
  • Gibil – God of fire
  • Enkimdu – God of farming and irrigation
  • Enmesarra – God of the underworld
  • Papsukkal – Messenger god
  • Ninazu – God of the underworld
  • Mummu – God of craftsmen
  • Mammetum – Goddess of destiny
  • Ningirsu – God of war and hunting
  • Ea – God of wisdom
  • Enbilulu – God of rivers and canals
  • Mummu – God of craftsmen
  • Nabu – God of wisdom and writing
  • Dumuzid – God of shepherds and fertility
  • Mummu – God of craftsmen
  • Nergal – God of the underworld
  • Ninazu – God of the underworld
  • Nergal – God of the underworld
  • Ninurta – God of agriculture and hunting

Female Mesopotamian Mythology Cat Names

  • Ereshkigal – Goddess of the Underworld
  • Ishtar – Goddess of love and fertility
  • Nammu – Goddess of the primeval sea
  • Ningal – Moon goddess
  • Ninhursag – Mother goddess
  • Gula – Goddess of healing
  • Damkina – Mother goddess
  • Astarte – Goddess of love and war
  • Ninkasi – Goddess of beer
  • Lilith – Demoness of the night
  • Nanshe – Goddess of social justice
  • Ishtar – Goddess of love and fertility
  • Nammu – Goddess of the primeval sea
  • Utu – Sun god
  • Nabu – God of wisdom and writing
  • Anshar – Sky god
  • Gula – Goddess of healing
  • Damkina – Mother goddess
  • Marduk – Chief god of Babylon
  • Astarte – Goddess of love and war
  • Ninkasi – Goddess of beer
  • Ninurta – God of agriculture and hunting
  • Ashur – Chief god of the Assyrians
  • Ea – God of wisdom
  • Enbilulu – God of rivers and canals
  • Nammu – Goddess of the primeval sea
  • Ningal – Moon goddess
  • Ninurta – God of agriculture and hunting
  • Nanshe – Goddess of social justice
  • Nergal – God of the underworld

How to Choose Mesopotamian Mythology Cat Names?

  1. Consider the physical characteristics of your cat: Choose a name that reflects your cat’s appearance. For example, if your cat has a sleek black coat, you could name them “Lilith” after the Mesopotamian demoness of the night.
  2. Think about your cat’s personality: Choose a name that matches your cat’s personality traits. For instance, if your cat is playful and mischievous, you could name them “Enkidu” after the companion of Gilgamesh.
  3. Research the meanings behind the names: Look up the meanings and symbolism associated with different Mesopotamian names. For instance, “Ishtar” is the goddess of love and fertility, which could be a fitting name for a loving and nurturing cat.
  4. Consider the uniqueness of the name: Choose a name that is not commonly used for cats. This will make your cat’s name stand out and be memorable. For example, “Ninkasi” is the goddess of beer, which could make for a unique and interesting cat name.
  5. Connect with the mythology: Choose a name that you personally resonate with or find meaningful. It could be a name that represents a god or goddess you admire or a story from Mesopotamian mythology that resonates with you.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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