69+ Nahuatl Mythology Cat Names

Looking for a meaningful name for your new cat? Here is a list of Nahuatl Mythology cat names featuring gods, goddesses and mythical creatures

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Clarence Kate

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Are you searching for the perfect name for your feline friend? Look no further than Nahuatl Mythology! Nahuatl, the ancient language of the Aztecs, is rich with names that are both unique and meaningful.

Whether you’re looking for a name that embodies strength, beauty, or wisdom, Nahuatl Mythology has it all. Say goodbye to ordinary cat names and embrace the extraordinary with these feline monikers inspired by ancient tales.

Let’s explore the enchanting world of Nahuatl Mythology and find the ideal name for your beloved companion. Get ready to give your cat a name that will have everyone saying, “Meow-gnificent!”

Best Nahuatl Mythology Cat Names:

  • Itzpapalotl – Best for a mysterious and elegant cat
  • Quetzalcoatl – Best for a majestic and wise cat
  • Centzon Totochtin – Best for a playful and energetic cat
  • Chalchiuhtlicue – Best for a graceful and gentle cat
  • Xochiquetzal – Best for a beautiful and loving cat
  • Mictlantecuhtli – Best for a mysterious and independent cat
  • Tlazolteotl – Best for a mischievous and adventurous cat
  • Tezcatlipoca – Best for a sleek and agile cat
  • Mictecacihuatl – Best for a calm and serene cat
  • Huehuecoyotl – Best for a clever and curious cat
  • Tonatiuh – Best for a strong and courageous cat
  • Cihuateteo – Best for a fierce and protective cat
  • Itztlacoliuhqui – Best for a swift and nimble cat
  • Xolotl – Best for a loyal and obedient cat
  • Tlaloc – Best for a water-loving and playful cat
  • Huitzilopochtli – Best for a confident and fearless cat
  • Coatlicue – Best for a nurturing and maternal cat
  • Ometeotl – Best for a balanced and harmonious cat
  • Mazatl – Best for a graceful and agile cat
  • Xipe Totec – Best for a curious and adaptable cat
  • Chantico – Best for a warm and cuddly cat
  • Metztli – Best for a calm and mysterious cat
  • Toci – Best for a wise and knowledgeable cat
  • Patlacxan – Best for a strong and resilient cat
  • Yacatecuhtli – Best for an adventurous and curious cat
  • Atlacoya – Best for a playful and energetic cat
  • Mixcoatl – Best for a swift and agile cat
  • Centeotl – Best for a loving and nurturing cat
  • Chimalma – Best for a regal and majestic cat
  • Tlazoteotl – Best for a mischievous and playful cat

Funny Nahuatl Mythology Cat Names:

  • Mitchuacametl – Best for a clumsy and silly cat (meaning “fish tail”)
  • Cozcaquauhtli – Best for a mischievous and cheeky cat (meaning “vulture”)
  • Cozatl – Best for a sneaky and cunning cat (meaning “snake”)
  • Quiahuitl – Best for a playful and energetic cat (meaning “rain”)
  • Patecatl – Best for a lazy and laid-back cat (meaning “god of medicine”)
  • Mixtli – Best for a quirky and eccentric cat (meaning “cloud”)
  • Miahuatl – Best for a vocal and chatty cat (meaning “cat song”)
  • Coatl – Best for a slinky and mysterious cat (meaning “serpent”)
  • Cuauhtémoc – Best for a clumsy and awkward cat (meaning “falling eagle”)
  • Chicomecoatl – Best for a food-loving and greedy cat (meaning “seven snakes”)
  • Tepeyollotl – Best for a mischievous and troublemaking cat (meaning “mountain heart”)
  • Itztli – Best for a grumpy and grouchy cat (meaning “obsidian”)
  • Chalchihuitlicue – Best for a water-obsessed and playful cat (meaning “jade skirt”)
  • Opochtli – Best for a goofy and silly cat (meaning “left”)
  • Ohtli – Best for a clumsy and accident-prone cat (meaning “road”)
  • Chimalli – Best for a feisty and protective cat (meaning “shield”)
  • Cuetlaxochitl – Best for a flower-loving and scatterbrained cat (meaning “flower of the heart”)
  • Matlalceuitl – Best for a mischievous and troublemaking cat (meaning “green skirt”)
  • Papalotl – Best for a butterfly-chasing and playful cat (meaning “butterfly”)
  • Pozzol – Best for a clumsy and accident-prone cat (meaning “fools”)
  • Tzaqualli – Best for a sneaky and cunning cat (meaning “lizard”)
  • Xochitl – Best for a flower-loving and gentle cat (meaning “flower”)
  • Tototl – Best for a chatty and talkative cat (meaning “bird”)
  • Oyomihtli – Best for a curious and nosy cat (meaning “my voice”)
  • Tecuani – Best for a fearless and adventurous cat (meaning “jaguar”)
  • Miztli – Best for a quirky and eccentric cat (meaning “moon”)
  • Coyotl – Best for a mischievous and playful cat (meaning “coyote”)
  • Macuilxochitl – Best for a party-loving and energetic cat (meaning “five flowers”)
  • Ilamatecuhtli – Best for a bossy and demanding cat (meaning “goddess of earth”)
  • Nanahuatzin – Best for a sun-worshipping and lazy cat (meaning “sun”)
  • Ocelotl – Best for a wild and adventurous cat (meaning “ocelot”)

Cool Nahuatl Mythology Cat Names:

  • Xochipilli – Best for a cool and laid-back cat (meaning “flower prince”)
  • Tonantzin – Best for a confident and regal cat (meaning “our mother”)
  • Ocelotl – Best for a sleek and mysterious cat (meaning “ocelot”)
  • Toci – Best for a wise and knowledgeable cat (meaning “our grandmother”)
  • Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli – Best for an energetic and athletic cat (meaning “lord of the dawn”)
  • Atlacoya – Best for a water-loving and playful cat (meaning “water serpent”)
  • Itztli – Best for a cool and mysterious cat (meaning “obsidian”)
  • Xipil – Best for a strong and independent cat (meaning “noble”)
  • Chantico – Best for a fiery and passionate cat (meaning “goddess of hearth”)
  • Mixcoatl – Best for a swift and agile cat (meaning “cloud serpent”)
  • Centeotl – Best for a loving and nurturing cat (meaning “maize god”)
  • Chimalma – Best for a powerful and majestic cat (meaning “shield hand”)
  • Yacatecuhtli – Best for an adventurous and curious cat (meaning “lord of travelers”)
  • Chicomecoatl – Best for a food-loving and abundant cat (meaning “seven snakes”)
  • Opochtli – Best for a cunning and resourceful cat (meaning “left”)
  • Ohtli – Best for a determined and focused cat (meaning “road”)
  • Ixtlilton – Best for a mischievous and playful cat (meaning “little black face”)
  • Coyotl – Best for a clever and adaptable cat (meaning “coyote”)
  • Teoxihuitl – Best for a radiant and majestic cat (meaning “turquoise lord”)
  • Mazatl – Best for a graceful and agile cat (meaning “deer”)
  • Tlazohtlaloni – Best for a mysterious and enigmatic cat (meaning “muttering”)
  • Ilamatecuhtli – Best for a strong and powerful cat (meaning “goddess of earth”)
  • Macuilxochitl – Best for a vibrant and playful cat (meaning “five flowers”)
  • Nanahuatzin – Best for a sun-loving and radiant cat (meaning “sun”)
  • Ocelotonatiuh – Best for a fierce and fierce cat (meaning “jaguar sun”)
  • Patecatl – Best for a wise and knowledgeable cat (meaning “god of medicine”)
  • Papalotl – Best for a free-spirited and independent cat (meaning “butterfly”)
  • Cihuateteo – Best for a fierce and powerful cat (meaning “goddess”)
  • Tlaloc – Best for a water-loving and adventurous cat (meaning “god of rain”)
  • Chalchiuhtlicue – Best for a graceful and serene cat (meaning “jade skirt”)
  • Tlazoteotl – Best for a mischievous and playful cat (meaning “goddess of filth”)

Unique Nahuatl Mythology Cat Names:

  • Tezcatzoncatl – Best for a unique and rare cat (meaning “mirror of the gods”)
  • Ehecatl – Best for a fast and agile cat (meaning “wind”)
  • Mazaxtli – Best for a fierce and powerful cat (meaning “deer arrow”)
  • Xoxouhqui – Best for a playful and mischievous cat (meaning “dawn”)
  • Chalchiuhtlatonal – Best for a colorful and vibrant cat (meaning “emerald necklace”)
  • Teicu – Best for a small and curious cat (meaning “rabbit”)
  • Cihuatl – Best for a strong and independent cat (meaning “woman”)
  • Acamapichtli – Best for a noble and regal cat (meaning “handful of reeds”)
  • Itztli – Best for a mysterious and enigmatic cat (meaning “obsidian”)
  • Ixtlilxochitl – Best for a unique and beautiful cat (meaning “little face of flowers”)
  • Chicueyi – Best for a nurturing and loving cat (meaning “seven”)
  • Tepeyollotzin – Best for a wild and adventurous cat (meaning “mountain heart”)
  • Quetzalcoatl – Best for a wise and majestic cat (meaning “feathered serpent”)
  • Ueman – Best for a loyal and protective cat (meaning “brother”)
  • Chicahuac – Best for a powerful and fierce cat (meaning “seven eagle”)
  • Tonatiuh – Best for a radiant and powerful cat (meaning “sun god”)
  • Centeotl – Best for a loving and nurturing cat (meaning “maize god”)
  • Tlazoltéotl – Best for a mischievous and playful cat (meaning “goddess of filth”)
  • Xochitl – Best for a beautiful and delicate cat (meaning “flower”)
  • Itzcueye – Best for a mysterious and stealthy cat (meaning “obsidian cat”)
  • Teicpatl – Best for a strong and fierce cat (meaning “flint knife”)
  • Yohualtecuhtli – Best for a nocturnal and mysterious cat (meaning “night lord”)
  • Ollin – Best for a lively and energetic cat (meaning “movement”)
  • Tlalocan – Best for a water-loving and playful cat (meaning “paradise of Tlaloc”)
  • Chantico – Best for a fiery and passionate cat (meaning “goddess of hearth”)
  • Tepoztecatl – Best for a fun-loving and carefree cat (meaning “god of pulque”)
  • Cualli – Best for a good-natured and happy cat (meaning “good”)
  • Coaxoch – Best for a mischievous and playful cat (meaning “snake flower”)

Cute Nahuatl Mythology Cat Names

  • Cipactli – mythical sea monster
  • Xochitl – flower
  • Tlaloc – god of rain
  • Itztlacoliuhqui – god of frost
  • Coatl – snake
  • Tonatiuh – sun god
  • Quetzalli – precious feather
  • Itzpapalotl – obsidian butterfly
  • Cualli – good
  • Chalchiuhtlicue – goddess of water
  • Ichtaca – secret
  • Tonantzin – our mother
  • Ohtli – path
  • Atl – water
  • Izcalli – resins
  • Mazatl – deer
  • Xiuhcoatl – fire serpent
  • Yolotl – heart
  • Temachtiani – teacher
  • Cuauhtli – eagle
  • Tepoztecatl – god of pulque
  • Mixcoatl – cloud serpent
  • Ollin – movement
  • Toci – grandmother
  • Centli – corn
  • Huitzilin – hummingbird
  • Xolotl – god of lightning and death
  • Patzcuaro – place of stones
  • Tlatlauhqui – red
  • Tezcatlipoca – smoking mirror
  • Chimali – shield

Male Nahuatl Mythology Cat Names

  • Tlalocatl – man of Tlaloc
  • Coatzin – serpentine
  • Quauhtli – eagle
  • Mayahuel – goddess of maguey
  • Teoxihuitl – turquoise
  • Moyolehuani – warrior
  • Chicomecoatl – goddess of maize
  • Xipil – noble
  • Itztli – obsidian
  • Panillo – butterfly
  • Ocēlōtl – jaguar
  • Yeyanapa – brave
  • Matlal – green
  • Chalchihuitl – precious stone
  • Centzon – four hundred
  • Cuahuitl – tree
  • Quetzalcoatl – feathered serpent
  • Mixtli – cloud
  • Tezcatlipoca – smoking mirror
  • Papalotl – butterfly
  • Huitzilin – hummingbird
  • Acatl – reed
  • Metztli – moon
  • Ohtli – road
  • Iztli – obsidian
  • Patlach – medicine
  • Tepoz – mountain
  • Cualli – good
  • Tzitzimime – star demons
  • Yolot – heart

Female Nahuatl Mythology Cat Names

  • Tonantzin – our mother
  • Ameyalli – spring
  • Xiuhcoatl – fire serpent
  • Itzpapalotl – obsidian butterfly
  • Cuetlaxochitl – flower of the precious feather
  • Xochiquetzal – flower quetzal feather
  • Toci – grandmother
  • Chalchiuhtlicue – goddess of water
  • Tepin – fiery
  • Metztli – moon
  • Ilhuitl – day
  • Nelli – truth
  • Itztlacoliuhqui – god of frost
  • Cihuapilli – noblewoman
  • Yacahuatzin – sister
  • Citlali – star
  • Coaxoch – serpent flower
  • Iztaccihuatl – white woman
  • Xiloxoch – precious flower
  • Coyolxauhqui – goddess of the moon
  • Tlalli – earth
  • Tochtli – rabbit
  • Xochitl – flower
  • Malinalxochitl – grass flower
  • Tlazolteotl – goddess of fertility
  • Chimalma – shield hand
  • Ollin – movement
  • Chimalli – shield
  • Yoloxochitl – heart flower
  • Atl – water

How to Choose Nahuatl Mythology Cat Names?

  1. Consider the cat’s physical attributes: Choose a name that reflects your cat’s appearance. For example, if your cat has beautiful, golden fur, you could name them “Cipactli” meaning mythical sea monster.
  2. Think about personality traits: Choose a name that matches your cat’s personality. If your cat is playful and energetic, you could name them “Quetzalli” meaning precious feather.
  3. Research Nahuatl mythology: Explore Nahuatl mythology and look for names that resonate with you. For example, if you’re drawn to the goddess of water, you could name your cat “Chalchiuhtlicue”.
  4. Consider the meaning: Choose a name that has a positive or meaningful association. For instance, “Xochitl” means flower and represents beauty and elegance.
  5. Keep it simple and easy to pronounce: Choose a name that is easy to say and remember. Avoid complex or lengthy names that may be difficult for others to pronounce or remember.
  6. Personal connection: Choose a name that holds personal significance to you. It could be a name that represents something or someone important in your life.
  7. Test it out: Once you have a few names in mind, try calling them out loud to see how they sound. Make sure it’s a name you feel comfortable saying and that your cat responds to.
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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