72+ Sumerian Mythology Cat Names

Looking for a meaningful name for your new cat? Here is a list of Sumerian Mythology cat names featuring gods, goddesses and mythical creatures

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Clarence Kate

72 sumerian mythology cat names 4097

Are you searching for the purr-fect name for your feline friend? Look no further than Sumerian mythology! With a rich and enchanting history, Sumerian mythology offers a plethora of unique and meaningful names for your beloved cat.

Whether you’re seeking a name that embodies beauty and strength or simply want a fun and memorable moniker, Sumerian mythology cat names are sure to delight both you and your furry companion.

Discover the fascinating world of Sumerian mythology and find the ideal name that will make your cat stand out from the crowd. Begin your search now and give your feline friend a name that truly captures their essence.

Best Sumerian Mythology Cat Names

  • Ishtar – Ideal for a playful and affectionate female cat
  • Anu – Perfect for a regal and majestic male cat
  • Inanna – Great for a graceful and beautiful female cat
  • Enlil – Suitable for a strong and dominant male cat
  • Ninhursag – A good choice for a nurturing and motherly female cat
  • Marduk – Best for a courageous and fearless male cat
  • Ereshkigal – Ideal for a mysterious and independent female cat
  • Enki – Perfect for an intelligent and curious male cat
  • Utu – Great for a warm and radiant male cat
  • Nanna – Suitable for a calm and serene female cat
  • Nergal – Best for a powerful and energetic male cat
  • Isimud – Ideal for a mischievous and playful male cat
  • Ningal – Perfect for a gentle and nurturing female cat
  • Dumuzid – Great for a charming and attractive male cat
  • Geshtinanna – Suitable for a loyal and devoted female cat
  • Nabu – Best for an intelligent and wise male cat
  • Ki – Ideal for a grounded and earthy female cat
  • Enkidu – Perfect for a brave and adventurous male cat
  • Shamash – Great for a radiant and warm male cat
  • Ishkur – Suitable for a lively and energetic male cat
  • Tiamat – Ideal for a fierce and independent female cat
  • Apsu – Perfect for a calm and serene male cat
  • Belit-ili – Great for a strong and powerful female cat
  • Ninurta – Suitable for a courageous and protective male cat
  • Antu – Ideal for a loving and nurturing female cat
  • Nisaba – Perfect for an intelligent and wise female cat
  • Dilmun – Great for a peaceful and harmonious male cat
  • Enkimdu – Suitable for a hardworking and industrious male cat
  • Ea – Ideal for a clever and resourceful male cat
  • Uttu – Perfect for a gentle and graceful female cat
  • Sarpanit – Great for a elegant and regal female cat

Funny Sumerian Mythology Cat Names

  • Meowdusa – A funny name for a cat with wild and untamed hair
  • Purrsephone – Perfect for a cat who loves to purr and nap
  • Fuzztis – Great for a cat with a fluffy and fuzzy coat
  • Nomnomon – Suitable for a cat who is always hungry
  • Whiskerina – Ideal for a cat with long and luxurious whiskers
  • Pawcifer – Perfect for a cat who likes to be in charge
  • Mewbacca – Great for a cat with a big and furry presence
  • Purrgatory – Suitable for a mischievous and trouble-making cat
  • Scratchy McScratchface – Ideal for a cat who loves to scratch everything
  • Fluffernutter – Perfect for a cat with a super soft and fluffy coat
  • Furricane – Great for a cat who zooms around the house like a hurricane
  • Purrito – Suitable for a cat who loves to curl up and be wrapped like a burrito
  • Catniss Everclean – Ideal for a cat who is always cleaning themselves
  • Meowrio – Perfect for a cat who loves to play video games with their owner
  • Sir Pounce-a-Lot – Great for a cat who loves to pounce on toys and play
  • Whiskerlicker – Suitable for a cat who loves to groom and lick their whiskers
  • Furry Potter – Ideal for a cat who loves magic and adventure
  • Nomnivore – Perfect for a cat who eats everything in sight
  • Cheshire Catzilla – Great for a cat who is always disappearing and reappearing
  • Purrfessor Meowgonagall – Suitable for a wise and knowledgeable cat
  • Scratchy Spice – Ideal for a cat who loves to spice up their scratching post
  • Meowly Cyrus – Perfect for a cat who loves to sing and perform
  • Whispurr – Great for a cat who is quiet and sneaks around the house
  • Pawdorable – Suitable for a cat who is too cute for words
  • Furrgie – Ideal for a cat who loves to sing and dance
  • Catnado – Perfect for a cat who zooms around like a tornado
  • Meowington – Great for a cat who thinks they’re the king or queen
  • Purrfessor Whiskerpants – Suitable for a cat who is always teaching their human
  • Scratchy McSnugglekins – Ideal for a cat who loves to scratch and snuggle
  • Furrguson – Perfect for a cat with a big personality and lots of fur

Cool Sumerian Mythology Cat Names

  • Enlilith – A cool name for a powerful and influential female cat
  • Nergon – Perfect for a cool and mysterious male cat
  • Ishtara – Great for a cat with a unique and captivating beauty
  • Ninurto – Suitable for a cool and adventurous male cat
  • Ereshkigaal – Ideal for a cat with a dark and enigmatic personality
  • Inadu – Perfect for a cool and artistic female cat
  • Enkidoo – Great for a cat with a strong and fearless demeanor
  • Utomis – Suitable for a cool and confident male cat
  • Belili – Ideal for a cat with a cool and modern sense of style
  • Marduke – Perfect for a cat with a cool and commanding presence
  • Anuket – Great for a cool and adventurous female cat
  • Kishar – Suitable for a cat with a cool and down-to-earth personality
  • Tiamata – Ideal for a cat with a cool and independent spirit
  • Iskandar – Perfect for a cat with a cool and charismatic personality
  • Ninkasi – Great for a cat with a cool and playful nature
  • Lahamu – Suitable for a cat with a cool and serene presence
  • Enkimduu – Ideal for a cat with a cool and creative mind
  • Nabuu – Perfect for a cat with a cool and intellectual nature
  • Ninsuna – Great for a cat with a cool and nurturing personality
  • Enlilit – Suitable for a cat with a cool and enchanting beauty
  • Eatu – Ideal for a cat with a cool and laid-back attitude
  • Dumuzidd – Perfect for a cat with a cool and charming personality
  • Antum – Great for a cat with a cool and regal presence
  • Ningishzida – Suitable for a cat with a cool and mysterious aura
  • Nammu – Ideal for a cat with a cool and tranquil nature
  • Uttara – Perfect for a cat with a cool and radiant personality
  • Enbilulu – Great for a cat with a cool and adventurous spirit
  • Ninazu – Suitable for a cat with a cool and independent attitude
  • Enmesarra – Ideal for a cat with a cool and powerful presence
  • Bau – Perfect for a cat with a cool and playful demeanor

Unique Sumerian Mythology Cat Names

  • Ennugi – A unique name for a cat with a mischievous and playful personality
  • Ninmah – Perfect for a cat with a nurturing and motherly nature
  • Utukki – Great for a cat with a mysterious and enigmatic presence
  • Labarum – Suitable for a cat with a strong and courageous demeanor
  • Ninsun – Ideal for a cat with a wise and knowledgeable personality
  • Nungal – Perfect for a cat with a graceful and elegant nature
  • Enkimdu – Great for a cat with a hardworking and diligent attitude
  • Nusku – Suitable for a cat with a warm and comforting presence
  • Ereshkigall – Ideal for a cat with a dark and mysterious beauty
  • Gibil – Perfect for a cat with a fiery and passionate personality
  • Shala – Great for a cat with a gentle and peaceful nature
  • Pabilsag – Suitable for a cat with a strong and protective demeanor
  • Ninlil – Ideal for a cat with a calm and serene presence
  • Ninkurra – Perfect for a cat with a playful and mischievous personality
  • Enlil – Great for a cat with a powerful and commanding nature
  • Ennugi – Suitable for a cat with a mischievous and playful personality
  • Ninsaba – Ideal for a cat with a wise and nurturing presence
  • Ninhursag – Perfect for a cat with a strong and resilient nature
  • Humbaba – Great for a cat with a fierce and protective demeanor
  • Nisir – Suitable for a cat with a calm and tranquil presence
  • Enurta – Ideal for a cat with a brave and courageous personality
  • Usumgallu – Perfect for a cat with a powerful and majestic nature
  • Nidaba – Great for a cat with a creative and intellectual presence
  • Enkimdu – Suitable for a cat with a hardworking and diligent attitude
  • Ninhursig – Ideal for a cat with a strong and nurturing personality
  • Ningirsu – Perfect for a cat with a determined and focused nature
  • Enbilulu – Great for a cat with a adventurous and curious demeanor
  • Kidudu – Suitable for a cat with a playful and energetic presence
  • Shaushka – Ideal for a cat with a graceful and elegant nature
  • Utanapishtim – Perfect for a cat with a wise and ancient personality

Cute Sumerian Mythology Cat Names

  • Ninurta – meaning “lord of barley”
  • Inanna – meaning “lady of heaven”
  • Enlil – meaning “lord wind”
  • Ishtar – meaning “goddess of love and war”
  • Utu – meaning “sun”
  • Nergal – meaning “god of the underworld”
  • Ereshkigal – meaning “queen of the underworld”
  • Enki – meaning “lord of earth”
  • Nammu – meaning “goddess of the primeval sea”
  • Anu – meaning “god of the sky”
  • Shamash – meaning “god of justice”
  • Dumuzid – meaning “shepherd of the divine”
  • Enkidu – meaning “creation of Enki”
  • Ninhursag – meaning “mother of the gods”
  • Geshtinanna – meaning “goddess of the vine”
  • Nisaba – meaning “goddess of writing and accounting”
  • Adapa – meaning “first man”
  • Uruk – meaning “ancient city in Sumer”
  • Abzu – meaning “primeval freshwater ocean”
  • Ninkasi – meaning “goddess of beer”
  • Anzû – meaning “heavenly eagle”
  • Enlil – meaning “god of wind”
  • Apsu – meaning “god of fresh water”
  • Enheduanna – meaning “high priestess of the moon god”
  • Gibil – meaning “god of fire”
  • Namtar – meaning “god of destiny and fate”
  • Ninlil – meaning “goddess of the wind”
  • Uttu – meaning “goddess of weaving”
  • Anunna – meaning “gods of the underworld”
  • Nanna – meaning “moon god”
  • Nusku – meaning “god of light and fire”

Male Sumerian Mythology Cat Names

  • Ninurta – meaning “lord of barley”
  • Enlil – meaning “lord wind”
  • Utu – meaning “sun”
  • Nergal – meaning “god of the underworld”
  • Enki – meaning “lord of earth”
  • Anu – meaning “god of the sky”
  • Shamash – meaning “god of justice”
  • Dumuzid – meaning “shepherd of the divine”
  • Enkidu – meaning “creation of Enki”
  • Adapa – meaning “first man”
  • Abzu – meaning “primeval freshwater ocean”
  • Anzû – meaning “heavenly eagle”
  • Enlil – meaning “god of wind”
  • Gibil – meaning “god of fire”
  • Namtar – meaning “god of destiny and fate”
  • Nanna – meaning “moon god”
  • Nusku – meaning “god of light and fire”

Female Sumerian Mythology Cat Names

  • Inanna – meaning “lady of heaven”
  • Ishtar – meaning “goddess of love and war”
  • Ereshkigal – meaning “queen of the underworld”
  • Nammu – meaning “goddess of the primeval sea”
  • Ninhursag – meaning “mother of the gods”
  • Geshtinanna – meaning “goddess of the vine”
  • Nisaba – meaning “goddess of writing and accounting”
  • Enheduanna – meaning “high priestess of the moon god”
  • Ninlil – meaning “goddess of the wind”
  • Uttu – meaning “goddess of weaving”

How to Choose Sumerian Mythology Cat Names?

  1. Consider your cat’s appearance or personality – If your cat has a unique coat pattern, you could choose a name like “Ninurta” which means “lord of barley,” inspired by the golden color of barley. If your cat is playful and energetic, a name like “Utu,” meaning “sun,” could be fitting.
  2. Research Sumerian mythology – Look up different gods, goddesses, and other figures from Sumerian mythology. Read about their characteristics and stories to find names that resonate with you and your cat.
  3. Think about the meaning behind the name – Choose a name that reflects positive qualities or traits you admire. For example, “Nisaba” means “goddess of writing and accounting,” which could be a great choice for a cat who loves to explore and investigate.
  4. Consider the sound and pronunciation – Make sure the name is easy to pronounce and doesn’t sound too similar to other words or commands. You’ll want a name that you and others can easily say.
  5. Personalize the name – You can also add a personal touch to the name by modifying it slightly. For example, you could name your cat “Nergal” and affectionately call him “Nerdy.”
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Kate is a cheerful soul with a passion for writing and deep affection for Cats. When she isn't working on articles or taking a nap, Kate loves spending her time with her Cat Sash!

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